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Great Britain. Sightseeing

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1 Great Britain. Sightseeing



4 The British Isles The United Kingdom Scotland Wales England

5 Northern Ireland The Irish Sea The English Channel The Straits of Dover The Severn The Thames

6 The emblems The red rose-красная роза Thistle-чертополох
Leek-лук-порей Daffodil- нарцисс shamrock –белый клевер

7 The Thames

8 Listen to CD about Great Britain. Answer my questions, please
What are the countries of the United Kingdom? Which of 4 countries is bigger? What is the capital of the country? What are the biggest rivers of the UK?


10 Вe ready to translate the sentences
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии состоит из 4 стран. (consists of) Великобритания состоит из Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса. (consists of) 3. Столица Соединенного Королевства - Лондон. ( The capital )

11 Translate the sentences
4. Реки в Великобритании не очень длинные. (long) 5. Самые большие реки – Темза и Северн. (the biggest) 6. В Великобритании мягкий климат

12 Watch the DVD about Wales and answer the questions:
1. What is the name of the railway? 2. How old is the railway?

13 Answer my questions. Look at the map
1.What does separate England from France? 2. What is the closest point between England and France? 3. What channel does separate Scotland from Northern Ireland? 4. Which island is located in the Irish Sea?

14 Watch the DVD about Scotland and answer the questions:
1. What clothes do the Scottish wear? 2. What kinds of sports are the Scottish fond of? 3. What musical instrument do they play?


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