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Training Methods Ice breaker. Your middle name! Introduction

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Presentation on theme: "Training Methods Ice breaker. Your middle name! Introduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Methods Ice breaker. Your middle name! Introduction
What type of training methods are there. Last lesson. Learning outcome. Lesson structure. Why should we use a variety of training methods. Introduction Ice breaker. Students have previously been nominated to introduce an ice breaker at the beginning of each lesson. Student introduces ice breaker to set scene for lesson. GLOSS What type of training methods are there. Last lesson. Learning outcome. Lesson structure. Why should we use a variety of training methods.

2 Workplace training P articipation is essential for an effective learning experience L et us all have the benefit of your experience E ncourage others to participate A sk questions when you are unsure S uspend judgement until all of the evidence is available E enjoy the experience

3 Workplace training Planning the introduction G get the trainees attention, interest & involvement L link with things the trainee may have already experienced O outcomes of the session S structure of the session S stimulate motivation

4 Training Methods Title Training methods. Aim
To provide the learner with the skills and knowledge use various training methods. Learning Outcome At the end of the session the learner will be able to use a variety of training methods for the delivery of skills lesson plan, in a classroom situation. Assessment Criteria Successfully deliver a variety of training methods in a classroom situation. Module: Workplace Training. Title Training methods. Aim To provide the learner with the skills and knowledge use various training methods. Learning Outcome At the end of the session the learner will be able to use a variety of training methods for the delivery of skills lesson plan, in a classroom situation. Assessment Criteria Successfully deliver a variety of training methods in a classroom situation.

5 Training Methods Training hints … you should have: Preparation
Flexible options Questioning Feedback Learner involvement Relationship (rapport) Training Techniques Preparation Prepared and ready for the session, includes all that is necessary for an effective session. Flexible options Use the learning outcomes and assessment criteria to full advantage. Questioning Used to guide learning and discovery. Feedback Motivation is created by feedback Learner involvement Delivery of lesson should focus around the learning activities, discussions and reflection, which engages the learner in the learning task. Let the learner touch, feel, listen and smell for involvement. Relationship Clothes to wear Appropriate language Personal behaviour Move around Interesting voice Be creative Get your own feedback.

6 Training Methods What training methods can we use: Brain storming
Buzz groups Case studies Computer assisted Critical incidents Demonstrations Discussion Field trips and visits Fishbowls Games Group discussion Huddle groups In-basket exercises Lecture Panel discussion Question and answer Readings Role plays Seminar Simulations Teleconferencing Handout: Supply students with a copy of Page 149 to 155, of Tovey

7 Training Methods How do we choose a training method Instructor led
Learner led Lecture Demonstration Readings Skits Videos Seminar Role plays Brain storming Case studies Discussions In-basket exercises Group discussions Questions and Answers Fishbowls Games Critical incidents Forums Buzz groups Computer assisted Field trips Handout: Supply student with copy of Page 157 of Tovey. Combine with other handout of methods.

8 Training Methods Small group activity Form small groups of 2.
Describe the training method designated to your group. Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Devise a demonstration of the method to the class. Handout of training methods.

9 Training Methods Conclusion Outcomes Feedback Future Session.
What are training methods Why is it important to use a variety of training methods. Feedback Questions. Future Session. Training aids. Conclusion to lesson using the OFF format.

10 A Demonstration Model Be introduced Get to know Try it out
Introduce the demonstration topic Discuss it’s purpose & the need to learn the skill Get to know Describe materials & equipment Demonstrate the whole process at normal speed Demonstrate again, emphasising each stage & key points Try it out Question to check the learners understanding and repeat steps Closely supervise the learners carry out the task step by steep Supervise further practice

11 A Demonstration Model Get feedback Apply it
Offer assistance and provide informative feedback Summerise key points Relate skills to the learners job and suggest how they can apply their skills Learners may need to go back to earlier stages based on feedback received Apply it The learner is able to practice the skill under real work conditions. This could be done under the guidance of a workplace mentor or coach. Wherever possible, the trainer should discuss learners work organisation with supervisors to encourage this

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