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The Plague By Year One Click on a heading to learn more. Plague Facts

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1 The Plague By Year One Click on a heading to learn more. Plague Facts
What happened if you got the plague Plague songs Plague Symptoms Plague Doctors How to cure the plague

2 Amazing Plague Facts People lit bonfires to clean the air because they thought the plague was in the air. People killed cats and dogs because they thought they were spreading the plague. But really, it was the rats that spread the plague. go back

3 Plague songs Children made up songs about the plague. Ring-a-ring-a-roses is still sung today. If you had the plague, you got a ring of red spots and started sneezing. People carried flowers or posies to try to get rid of the smell. Click on the picture to watch a video of the song. go back

4 Plague Symptoms If you get the plague, the first sign is a ring of red spots. Next you get shivery and cold and you start to sneeze. Then you get hot and feel sick. After three days of feeling sick, scratchy, cold and hot you died. go back

5 Plague Doctors Plague doctors are also called Quack Doctors because lots of things they did, didn’t help to stop the plague. They wore a long beak stuffed with herbs and spices to get rid of the stinky and disgusting smells They wore leather boots so the rats couldn’t bite their feet. go back

6 How to cure the plague A long time ago people killed cats and dogs because they thought they spread the plague. People thought if you put chicken’s bottoms on your spots that it would cure the plague. They lit bonfires to clean the air because they thought the plague was in the air. go back

7 What happened if you got the plague
If you got the plague you had a red cross painted on your door and a guard stood outside. If you went outside, the guard sent you back in again. You had to stay in your house for forty days and then you could come out. go back

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