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Year 4 Curriculum Afternoon Miss Redmond

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1 Year 4 Curriculum Afternoon Miss Redmond

2 (Maths reasoning question)
Timetable Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:40 – 8:55 Early Morning Work (Bubbles) (Maths reasoning question) English activity Handwriting 8: Register Assembly Class Prayer 9:30 – 10:35 English Spelling Test SPAG focused starter 10:35 – 10:55 Break Maths Times Table Test 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch (JS PPA cover PM) 1:00-1:10 Maths Fluency 1:10 2:10 Computing/Topic PE RE/Mass Art/DT Guided Reading (1:10-1:30) 2:10 – 3.00 Science RE (1:30-2:30) Music (2:30-2:55) 3:00 – 3:20 MFL (2:50-3:20) (2:55-3:20)

3 The Classroom Areas. Classroom rules and responsibilities.
School Council and Eco Monitors.

4 English Autumn Spring Summer Quest stories Stories from other cultures
Information texts – non chronological reports and instructions Poetry – riddles Spring Stories with familiar settings Traditional tales Persuasive writing – focus on letters and adverts Narrative poetry Summer Myths and Legends Fantasy stories Recounts Explanation texts Free Verse poetry

5 Maths

6 Topic Terms 1 and 2 -The Anglo Saxons and Vikings Terms 3 and 4 - All Around the World and Crime and Punishment Terms 5 and 6 - Keen to be Green and The Rainforest/Habitats

7 Homework Homework will be given out every Thursday and should be returned every Tuesday. Homework will consist of spellings, spellings into sentences, times tables and a Maths workout. Spelling tests and Times Table tests will take place every Tuesday.

8 Things to remember! All the things listed below must be brought to school daily: -Water bottles -Reading books -Reading record -Library book (On Wednesday) Our class PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on these days.

9 Rewards St Benedict’s Superstar of the week. Learner of the week.
Class Dojo points. House points. Pen licences

10 How you can help? Reading –children are never too old to be heard read. They should be reading at least 20 mins a day and a minimum of 3 times a week to you. Please write a comment and sign their reading record. As you know, discussions about the book they are reading is vital for your child’s understanding and improving their comprehension skills. Your child will now receive a bookmark with key comprehension questions for you to ask them about the text. If your child needs support with their home, it is okay to help them! I would just ask that you leave a little note next to the question saying ‘help needed’ or ‘support given’.

11 Any questions? Thank you for attending this evening.
The home-school partnership is key to a successful year. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any queries or require any support.

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