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Welcome to Year 11 Exam Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 11 Exam Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 11 Exam Evening
General exam information & guidance Key dates Exam timetables Key information regarding Science, Maths & English Opportunity for questions Please ensure you have a piece of scrap paper and a pen

2 Warm up

3 Do you know the answers to the following questions?
How many subjects are you currently working at target for? How many subjects are you below target for? How many subjects are you working above target? When do the mock exams start? Aside from the main GCSEs exams in the summer term, what other controlled assessments or coursework do you still have to complete? How many exams are there for languages? How many Science exams will you have in the summer? Name a key text you are studying in English Literature? On a scale of 1-10 how stressed do you feel about school work/exams at the moment (1 being not stressed – 10 being really stressed)? On a scale of 1-10 how motivated do you feel about school work/exams at the moment (1 being not motivated – 10 being really motivated)?

4 The Core Subjects 5 - 7 GCSEs English Language (1 grade)
Literature (1 grade) Mathematics (1 grade) Further Mathematics (1 grade) Science Combined Science (2 grades) or Biology (1 grade) Chemistry Physics 5 - 7 GCSEs

5 Option subjects Up to 4 GCSE grades Art Business Studies
Computer Science Dance DT Resistant Materials Textiles Media Food Drama Geography History Modern Foreign Language (French, German, Spanish) Music Photography Physical Education Religious Studies Up to 4 GCSE grades

6 Non - GCSE Courses Land based operations Study Support
Core Physical Education Personal Development / Religious Studies and Ethics

7 Maths & English will follow the new grading system

8 Being aware of key dates

9 Checking your child’s progress
You will receive a report on your child’s progress on 4 November &  5 April. Year 11 Parents’ Evening Wednesday 15 February Art & Photography Mocks 8 & 9 December Mocks January   Mock results released 8 February Mocks 27 March- 3 April



12 Summer Examination Period
26-28 April Art & Photography Exams GCSE period commences on 15 May Timetables will be sent home with information packs that include FAQs. Students will continue to attend lessons as normal until their final examination. Staff will run optional breakfast and lunch seminars prior to each examination in order to help your child with final preparations.

13 This is last year’s timetable and will be re-written for current year 11

14 Celebrations Students will be given the opportunity to purchase Leavers Hoodies and year books. Final day of school will be Friday 30 June – Graduation Day Students will be invited to attend a brunch followed by a final assembly. Students will be allowed to bring their shirts into school to get signed. Friday 30 June – Leavers’ dinner

15 The secret to success is….

16 Attendance

17 Attendance Every day matters
We expect your child to have an attendance figure between %

18 To school, to lessons & to exams

19 Embedding good habits

20 Knowing who / where you can go to for help?

21 Make use of revision sessions


23 Use the revision material list

24 Oathall Website


26 Insight

27 Who can you go to for help?
Subject teacher Specific information regarding each subject Up to date progress Revision materials Support, catch-up sessions & revision classes

28 Who can you go to for help?
Group tutor Organisational support Opportunity to revise and complete homework during afternoon registration Emotional support

29 Who can you go to for help?
Discovery Head of House Assistant Head of House

30 Who can you go to for help?
Endeavour Head of House Assistant Head of House

31 Who can you go to for help?
Pioneer Head of House Assistant Head of House

32 Who can you go to for help?
Voyager Head of House Assistant Head of House

33 Who can you go to for help?
Inclusion Department Miss Slade (SENCo) Special requirements, access arrangements (i.e. extra time, scribe) Mrs Tingley (learning mentor) Students not accessing full timetables due to physical or emotional needs

34 Who can you go to for help?
Exams officer – Mrs Aldridge Entries Administration Remarks & appeals Results & certificates

35 Don’t

36 Do


38 We’re all in it together!
Communication We’re all in it together!

39 Head of Faculty for Science
Ms Costelloe Head of Faculty for Science

40 Content OCR 21st Century Science (
Triple Science (3 GCSEs) 9 exams at the end of Year 11 (3 per GCSE) (75%) 3 pieces of controlled assessment (1 per GCSE)(25%) Core and Additional Science (2 GCSEs) 6 exams at the end of year 11 (3 per GCSE) Core content covered in Y10, Additional in Y11 Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics (75%) 2 pieces of controlled assessment in Y10, 1 in Y11(25%)

41 What will we be doing? Mocks in January and March
Ongoing return to revision Revision in lessons post Easter holidays After school “clinics” Controlled Assessment Issues Help with class or homework revision

42 What makes the difference?
It is vital to attend the exams – if a student is absent , OCR will record a 0 mark Hitting target grade in Controlled Assessments Purchase of revision guide and workbook Letter for orders to be reissued Bring the right equipment to lessons (pen, pencils, ruler, calculator) Keep abreast of Science in the news Practice, practice, practice!

43 Head of Faculty for English
Miss Evans Head of Faculty for English Mrs Robins Deputy Head of Faculty for English

44 You can’t revise English
I can’t do English. You can’t revise English

45 100% Exam No Foundation Tier
2 GCSEs 2 teachers

46 English Language ENGLISH LANGUAGE
2 papers: 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction Reading and writing sections on each paper 19th century non-fiction High level fiction

47 English Literature ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2 exam papers Shakespeare
19th Century novel Modern novel/play Anthology poetry (prepared) Unseen poetry

48 January Mock Exams Language - Paper 2: 19th and 20th/21st Century Non-Fiction (1hr 45mins) Section A Reading - 2 texts, one C.19th; linked by topic Section B Writing - write a piece of non-fiction Literature - Paper 1: Shakespeare & 19th Century novel (1hr 45mins) Both Section A and B require an essay on an extract that must link to whole play/novel


50 English Language Revision Guides
EVEN MORE USEFUL… English Language Revision Guides

51 English Literature Key Texts
EVEN MORE USEFUL! English Literature Key Texts

52 How to revise for English
Texts - available at all good bookshops/online Exercise books – organise them, learn to file everything Partners – share resources, share the load After school sessions – advertised on website. 30 Ways Leaflets - please take one Homework – insight Read – non-fiction, poetry, set texts

53 Even more… Language: 50% non-fiction exam
– read it and write it (19th century) - newspaper/magazine articles and reviews Formal letters Charity leaflets, websites travel writing Unseen poetry – read it Literature - re-read/listen to the set texts

54 Poetry Live - 22nd November An Inspector Calls - 7th December
TRIPS Poetry Live - 22nd November An Inspector Calls - 7th December


56 Deputy Head of Faculty for Mathematics
Mrs Brook Deputy Head of Faculty for Mathematics

57 The new Maths specification
Grading scale 1-9 Foundation and Higher 4 - 9 5 is a “good pass” Linear 3 papers New content - more challenging Greater focus on problem solving Expected to learn more formula (no formula sheet)

58 The Exam AQA Specification 8300
Paper 1 (80 marks, 1h 30 mins, non-calculator, 33.3%) Paper 2 (80 marks, 1h 30 mins, calculator, 33.3%) Paper 3 (80 marks, 1h 30 mins, calculator, 33.3%) Questions styles include multiple-choice, short answers and multi-step in all 3 papers.

59 Foundations to success
Attendance Equipment Participation Homework Marking Early Revision

60 Support Revision guide (£4.50) Past papers (£3.50)
After school revision sessions Holiday intervention

61 Further Maths AQA Level 2 Qualification
Challenges our most able mathematicians Reinforces the grade 7, 8 and 9 topics Excellent preparation for A-Level Selective entry

62 The only way to revise maths
Don't just read it... The only way to revise maths is to DO maths

63 Thank-you for all the work you are and will be doing.
Please feel free to stay behind and ask any questions you may have.

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