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Postwar (WWI) America The start of the 1920’s

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1 Postwar (WWI) America The start of the 1920’s
Tensions and Intolerance Labor Unrest, Social Unrest and Fear of the Reds Postwar (WWI) America The start of the 1920’s

2 I. Post WWI America War Changed America Demobilization
No work for soldiers 4 mil No plan Workers losing jobs Farm prices down Inflation + low wages = depression America in discontent a.     

3 II. Strikes, Strikes, Strikes!!! Labor Unrest all over the place
million strike Demand higher pay better conditions Boston Police Strike (1919) The Steel Strike (1919) The Coal Strike (1919) By 1920 strikes subsided Strikes = REVOLUTION??

4 III. Fear of Foreigners Strikes = plot to topple Capitalism
Immigrants = Communist Threat New Immigrants were targets of hysteria

5 IV. The Red Scare Fear of Conspiracy A. Mitchell Palmer
Rounded up Soviet immigrants Called Palmer Raids ACLU formed to help jailed people Jane Adams and Upton Sinclair

6 V. ANTI-aliens “Who’s country is this anyway?”
Intolerance Aliens = Anarchists = Hysteria Red Scare faded /hostility lingered symptom of tension in socitey unsettled by war and demobilization. Immigrants became victims of hate

7 VI. Sacco and Vanzetti Example of Red Scare Hatred 4-20 Robbery/Murder
S & V charged with crime Know anarchists and anti-palmer Bunk trial = guilty verdict Death sentence.

8 VII. Racial Discrimination
Great Migration brought 70k black to cities. First fired after war Discrimination and prejudice lead to protests and Riots Marcus Garvey- Back to Africa Movement Movement collapsed but left imprint on black society The “New Negro” = growing spirit of consciousness and pride

9 VIII. KKK Resurgence Rampant Intolerance KKK were “Nativists”
Hated blacks, Jews, Catholics and Foreigners 1921 & Nativists pressured congress to pass Immigration Quota Acts. No Russians, Italians or Slavs

10 IX. Religious Intolerance
William Jennings Bryan -movement to outlaw teaching of evolution. John Scopes- arrested for teaching Theory of Evolution ACLU- defends Scopes Clarence Darrow defends Scopes convicted Scopes Monkey Trial

11 X. Politics in 1920’s Rapid social changes bring turmoil and intolerance Turbulent times Americans wanted a return of “Normalcy” =hands off approach to dealing with the times Harding, Coolidge, Hoover- the Republican Era

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