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Project Coordinator-Post Harvest Management

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1 Project Coordinator-Post Harvest Management
Experiences of facilitating development of market systems for postharvest management in Africa Jerry Tingle Egessa Project Coordinator-Post Harvest Management AFAAS 4th October 2016

2 Overview of the PHM-SSA project
Aim: Improve food and income security through better PHM Finding solutions that can be scaled out in Africa Partners roles; SDC :Funding AFAAS&AGRIDEA; Compile and disseminate good practices in PHM HELVETAS, Make available improved handling and storage technologies FANRPAN; Introduce and implement appropriate policies Piloted in Benin and Mozambique.

3 PHM as business opportunity for farmers: Benefit of storage(500kg)
Benefit from storage of 500 Kg of Maize in Nampula (Mozambiq) Prevented losses (15%) 500kg x 0.08$/kg x 15% 6$ Price gain storage period (67%*) 500kg x 0.08$/kg x 67% 26.8$ Total 32.8$ Benefit sufficient to pay back the cost of silo after 3 crop seasons Profitability depends on price fluctuations and rate of losses. It substantially varies within countries.

4 PHM as business opportunity for farmers: Cost of storage (500kg)
Metal silos have lowest annual costs, but high inital costs Depending on access to credit and interest rates, triple bags might be more interesting Technology Lifespan Initial investment cost($) Yearly cost maintenance ($) Total yearly cost ($) Metal silo 20 88.55 0.26 4.68 Improve Clay silo 15 60.27 5.56 9.58 Triple bags (PICs) 2 23.35 0.00 11.67 Improved Conic wooden granary 22.14 2.57 13.63 Polypropylene bags 6.44 5.13 8.35

5 Provider of raw material User of PHM tool (farmer)
Market System Support functions Financial services Information on PHM Capacity and skills Advisory services Media Provider of raw material Producer of PHM tools Distributor User of PHM tool (farmer) Quality standards Traditions Rules/governance Regulations on insecticides Gender roles Trade rules Market system for PHM-tools as it should be (adapted from workshop on PHM business models in Benin, November 2015)

6 Market System: Constraints
Limited accessibility Lacking awareness of PHM Lacking entrepreneurial skills Provider of raw material Producer of PHM tools Distributor User of PHM tool (farmer) Financial services Information on PHM Advisory services Capacity and skills Media Regulations on insecticides Quality standards Traditions Gender roles Trade rules Missing offer of tools Inputs are not available Lacking demand Missing standard PHM not sufficiently anchored PHM tools not adapted

7 Market System: Project activities
Discuss specific offers for PHM Elaborate Training materials Training of Artisans Provider of raw material Producer of PHM tools Distributor User of PHM tool (farmer) Financial services Information on PHM Advisory services Capacity and skills Media Regulations on insecticides Quality standards Traditions Gender roles Trade rules Training of advisors Provide content Pre-produced videos Inform on business opportunity in PHM Assist entrepreneurs to establish a business case in PHM Facilitate exchange and collaboration between players of the market system Make partners aware of Advocacy

8 Capacities for RAS-organisation for working with Market systems approach
Goes beyond classical scope of RAS Organisation need to acquire specific knowledge about market systems that are relevant for their farmers. Need mandate to work with all players of the market system, not only farmers. Need to equip their staff with methodical skills for facilitation, negotiation and the conceptual capacities Need of exchange of knowledge on working with market systems amongst RAS-organisations and with other organisations

9 Lessons learnt and success stories
Market systems can only be improved when different market actors work together. This will only happen when there are mutual business interests. Early warning: Project had a focus on silos, however experience shows that PICs bags are better adapted. Improving market systems needs a lot of time Evident adoption of PHM practices. “………..sorting and drying before storage has become common in this village”’, farmer More demand of PHM technologies. ‘we have sold 60% more PICS bags than the previous year’ (Director, Sahel Enterprises)

10 More information AFAAS virtual platform: Discuss about aspects of agriprenneurism and PHM. FANRPAN work on governance for PHM Global CoP on PHM by FAO: Get in touch with other organizations/enterprises in PHM and share information Beam Exchange: Learn more about Market Systems approach and how to work with it.

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