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Presentation on theme: "PROMOTING RURAL YOUTH EMPOWERMENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 About CTA CTA is a joint international institution of the ACP group of States and the EU. We operate under the framework of the Cotonou Agreement. We are funded by the EU. ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

3 Who we are 50 staff from 27 countries A passion for agricultural and rural development 26 years of commitment to advancing agriculture and rural communities in ACP 26 years of commitment to advancing agriculture and rural communities in ACP ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

4 Multi-stakeholder participation
A New Strategy Multi-stakeholder participation External feedback Task Forces (Staff) HOW DID WE GET HERE ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

5 Our Mission To advance food and nutritional security, increase prosperity and encourage sound natural resource management by providing access to information and knowledge, facilitating policy dialogue and strengthening the capacity of agricultural and rural development institutions and communities in ACP countries ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

6 3 Strategic Goals ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

7 Strategic Goal 1 To support well informed, inclusive agricultural policy processes and strategies in each ACP region that empower smallholder producers, women and youth ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

8 SG 1 – Themes & Activities
Food security, climate change & agriculture, regional trade & markets, agricultural science, technology and innovation Multi-disciplinary/multi-stakeholder information and knowledge exchange Tools, methods and approaches to facilitate policy formulation and analysis National, regional and international synthesis studies for evidence-based policy & decision-making Capacity building To improve understanding of challenges and opportunities in the ARD ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

9 Strategic Goal 2 To promote the development of ACP priority value chains, especially for smallholder producers ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

10 SG2 – Themes & Activities
Research-extension-market linkages; marketing support systems; post-harvest handling, processing & standards Public-private partnerships Multi-stakeholder platforms Integrated information systems and communities of practice Case studies and best practices ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

11 Strategic Goal 3 To strengthen the information, communication and knowledge management capacities of ACP institutions and networks ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

12 SG3 – Themes & Activities
Promote access to ACP-generated content Increased focus on electronic content generation Promote and support use of innovative ICT tools and approaches Build capacity of ACP agricultural & RD partners Promote ICKM policies & strategies ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

13 Programmes Policies, Markets and ICTs
Knowledge Management and Communication ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

14 Policies, Markets and ICTs
Projects ( ): Strengthening the CAADP policy process (Africa) Enhancing climate changes and food and nutrition security policy processes in the Caribbean and Pacific Enhancing value chain governance and competitiveness in ACP Promoting the application of ICTs for value chain development and multi-stakeholder engagement in ARD policies and strategies ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

15 Knowledge Management & Communication
Projects ( ): Publishing and Dissemination of ARD Information Supporting Web-based Platforms for Knowledge Sharing Strengthening of ACP institutional capacities in Information, Communication and Knowledge Management (ICKM) ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

16 Partnership is key Strengthen strategic partnerships with key institutions Assess and document past and current partnerships Develop criteria and protocol for different kinds of partnerships Engage in long-term partnership agreements (e.g. NEPAD, FAO, FARA, IICA, CDE) ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

17 Gender and Youth Cross-cutting themes
Focus on awareness building and policy advocacy Ensure fair representation in all CTA’s activities Partnership with other organisations ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

18 Challenges of Rural Youth
NOW WE HAVE THE AWARENESS, THE KNOWLEDGE, THE TECHNOLOGY, THE COMMITMENT…. TO CHANGE! ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

19 3/31/2017

20 Youth and rural poverty in Africa
On average 72% of the youth population in SSA lives on less than US$ 2 a day 70% of the African youth population lives in rural areas 40% of the total unemployed in SSA are youth Typical African youth Poor – rural – little education – (female) little job opportunities Source: World Bank 2008/09 Africa Development Indicators 20

21 Relevance of youth employment in SSA
Source: Adaptation from World Bank presentation (2010 – Bruno Lorsch, Brussels Development Meeting) Source: Adopted from World Bank Rural Structures Programme (2010)

22 CTA and Youth Giving Youth a Voice Promoting Youth engagement in ARD
CTA Observatory on youth (2004) Brussels Policy Briefings Multi-stakeholder dialogue South-south exchange Promoting Youth engagement in ARD Supporting youth entrepreneurs and projects (e.g. telecentres) Young farmers benefit from CTA capacity building projects in Senegal, Benin, Haitï, Niger, Mali, etc. Pacific Agriculture & Youth Strategy Support young ACP scientists particularly women Caribbean Science & Ag film competition 3/31/2017

23 3/31/2017

24 ARDYIS ARD and Youth in the Information Society
Strengthen youth capacities on ICTs for Agriculture and RD Contribute to sensitising youth on Agriculture and RD issues Promote opportunities for youth young farmers students in agricultural training courses all interested youth Targets   Partners Yam Pukri SPC CAFAN ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

25 ARDYIS Activities Essay contest on youth, agriculture and ICT innovations Information dissemination - some youth find jobs or other opportunities Web 2.0 training organized in 10 countries Youth in agriculture advocacy (e.g. call launched by youth in Accra 2011) Essay contest in partnership with NEPAD in 2011 on ICTs, agriculture and entrepreneurship Online discussions and networking (+ 300 network members) ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

26 ARDYIS Activities Publication of best essays
Yobloco blog contest launched Essay prize giving ceremony with NEPAD in November 11 (Ethiopia) (submit your blog now!) How to join CTA ARDYIS project discussion list (En) Facebook : Website : ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par

27 Way Forward Develop a comprehensive CTA Youth Strategy
Strengthen partnerships with FANRPAN and other networks (e.g. inter-sectoral youth policies) Continue supporting projects/activities for policy and value chain intervention for youth Capacity building 3/31/2017

28 Thank You! ACP agricultural development ICTs media rural communities value chain youth networking opportunities communication knowledge sharing par


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