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NEMA Communications Unit

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1 NEMA Communications Unit

2 Role Within NEMA Support communication needs of Field, Weather, SAR and EOC units Training Logistics Deploy as severe weather spotters Cooperate with other agencies to support shelter operations, etc., in a disaster

3 Requirements Member of NEMA Hold a valid amateur radio license
Take part in regular training activities Able to respond to EMA HQ within 40 minutes of a callout from PSAP Respond to at least 35% of Comms Unit callouts and at least 40% of special events Participate at least 40 hours annually in NEMA activities and training

4 Requirements May participate in activities of other NEMA units
Qualified personnel may be “borrowed” from other NEMA units

5 Training Topic Examples
Operation and set-up of Harris radios System console operation Communications Room equipment and operation Digital radio modes Go-kit set-op and operation Weather net operations Message handling

6 Other Opportunities Facility maintenance Station equipment exercise
Participation in nets HF operation (if licensed)

7 Team Meetings Meetings will be held on “off” Monday nights so as not to conflict with other NEMA training. Meetings will begin in October; specific dates to be set after over-all training schedule is published.

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