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Commission on a Way Forward Update and Discussion

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1 Commission on a Way Forward Update and Discussion

2 Covenant We will carefully listen to one another.

3 Covenant We will carefully listen to one another.
We will be careful not to judge one another.

4 Covenant We will carefully listen to one another.
We will be careful not to judge one another. We will not try to change one another’s positions.

5 Covenant We will carefully listen to one another.
We will be careful not to judge one another. We will not try to change one another’s positions. We will ask questions.

6 Covenant We will speak our truth in love.

7 Covenant We will speak our truth in love.
We will assume trust not suspicion.

8 Covenant We will speak our truth in love.
We will assume trust not suspicion. We will protect the confidentiality of the conversation.

9 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Mission: The Commission will bring together persons deeply committed to the future(s) of The United Methodist Church, with an openness to developing new relationships with each other...

10 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Mission: ...and exploring the potential future(s) of our denomination in light of General Conference and subsequent annual, jurisdictional and central conference actions.

11 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Mission: We have a profound hope and confidence in the Triune God, yet we acknowledge that we do this work in a climate of skepticism and distrust, from a human point of view.

12 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Mission: We are a connection, and we admit that our communion is strained; yet much transformative mission across our world is the fruit of our collaboration.

13 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Mission: The matters of human sexuality and unity are the presenting issues for a deeper conversation that surfaces different ways of interpreting Scripture and theological tradition.

14 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Mission: The work is meant to inform deliberation across the whole church and to help the Council of Bishops in their service to the next General Conference in finding a way forward.

15 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Vision: The Commission will design a way for being church that maximizes the presence of a United Methodist witness in as many places in the world as possible,

16 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Vision: ...that allows for as much contextual differentiation as possible, and that balances an approach to different theological understandings of human sexuality with a desire for as much unity as possible.

17 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Vision: This unity will not be grounded in our conceptions of human sexuality, but in our affirmation of the Triune God who calls us to be a grace-filled and holy people in the Wesleyan tradition.

18 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Scope: We should be open to new ways of embodying unity that move us beyond where we are in the present impasse and cycle of action and reaction around ministry and human sexuality.

19 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Scope: Therefore, we should consider new ways of being in relationship across cultures and jurisdictions, in understandings of episcopacy, in contextual definitions of autonomy for annual conferences, and in the design and purpose of the apportionment.

20 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Scope: In reflection on the two matters of unity and human sexuality, we will fulfill our directive by considering “new forms and structures” of relationship and through the “complete examination and possible revision” of relevant paragraphs in the Book of Discipline.

21 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Scope: We will give consideration to greater freedom and flexibility to a future United Methodist Church that will redefine our present connectionality, which is showing signs of brokenness.

22 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Scope: If we ignore this work, fracturing will occur in more haphazard and even self-interested ways across the church. If we do this work only to address our preferences and self-interest, we will fail to place our complete trust in God’s steadfast love and faithfulness.

23 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
Scope: If we do this work with complete surrender to God’s unlimited imagination and kingdom purposes, we will be blessed beyond our limited human imagination. God remains God; God is with us; God will never let us go. To God be the glory!

24 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward


26 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
PRAYER: We pray together during the days we meet and covenant to pray for each other when apart.

27 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
PRAYER: We pray together during the days we meet and covenant to pray for each other when apart. STUDY: We study the Bible together.

28 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
PRAYER: We pray together during the days we meet and covenant to pray for each other when apart. STUDY: We study the Bible together. LISTEN: We hear each other’s testimonies.

29 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
WORSHIP: We have spent time in worship.

30 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
WORSHIP: We have spent time in worship. HOLY CONFERENCING: We engage in Christian conversation throughout our meetings.

31 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
WORSHIP: We have spent time in worship. HOLY CONFERENCING: We engage in Christian conversation throughout our meetings. COVENANT: We have a covenant that creates a Spirit-led structure for mutual accountability in love

32 Principles of a Way Forward
Fruitfulness in Mission is First

33 Principles of a Way Forward
Fruitfulness in Mission is First Multiplying Wesleyan Witness

34 Principles of a Way Forward
Fruitfulness in Mission is First Multiplying Wesleyan Witness Operating out of a “Heart of Peace”

35 Principles of a Way Forward
Fruitfulness in Mission is First Multiplying Wesleyan Witness Operating out of a “Heart of Peace” Allow for Contextualization of Structure

36 Principles of a Way Forward
Creating “Space”

37 Principles of a Way Forward
Creating “Space” Simplicity of Proposal

38 Principles of a Way Forward
Creating “Space” Simplicity of Proposal Resolution of Impasse

39 Principles of a Way Forward
Creating “Space” Simplicity of Proposal Resolution of Impasse Working with the Council of Bishops to prepare for General Conference

40 Our Common Core The Apostle’s & Nicene Creeds
Sacraments of Baptism & Eucharist Articles of Religion/Confession of Faith Small Group Accountability & Support The General Rules A Connectional Way of Life that includes Superintendency, Itineracy, & Conferencing The Wesley Hymns Disciplined Engagement with Scripture Works of Piety, Mercy & Justice

41 Sketching Vs. Painting a Full Picture

42 The Commission’s Work Thus Far
Driven by values of unity and mission

43 The Commission’s Work Thus Far
Driven by values of unity and mission Common theological center

44 The Commission’s Work Thus Far
Driven by values of unity and mission Common theological center A new church will not look like the current church

45 The Commission’s Work Thus Far
Driven by values of unity and mission Common theological center A new church will not look like the current church Enable people with contradictory convictions to flourish

46 The Commission’s Work Thus Far
It may mean multiple versions of the Book of Discipline

47 The Commission’s Work Thus Far
It may mean multiple versions of the Book of Discipline Dynamic, flexible and contextual connectionalism

48 The Commission’s Work Thus Far
It may mean multiple versions of the Book of Discipline Dynamic, flexible and contextual connectionalism It may mean a way for groups to be in ministry separately while sharing some common ministry

49 The Commission’s Work Thus Far
Jesus’ call to unity may look like associations or affiliated churches

50 The Commission’s Work Thus Far
Jesus’ call to unity may look like associations or affiliated churches Maintain global connection in loosely configured structure

51 The Commission’s Work Thus Far
Jesus’ call to unity may look like associations or affiliated churches Maintain global connection in loosely configured structure Allowance for those who don’t adopt a revised structure

52 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
The way forward cannot be an extension of our path of conflict

53 Update on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward
The way forward cannot be an extension of our path of conflict We need to escape our own assumptions about structure and polity

54 Where We Are We value pushing the pendulum toward looser on structure and contextualization and tighter on naming the essentials of theology and doctrine.

55 Where We Are We value pushing the pendulum toward looser on structure and contextualization and tighter on naming the essentials of theology and doctrine. We wish to honor differences in practices and non-essentials for the sake of contextual mission.

56 Where We Are We value pushing the pendulum toward looser on structure and contextualization and tighter on naming the essentials of theology and doctrine. We wish to honor differences in practices and non-essentials for the sake of contextual mission. We value simpler structure and processes and a thinner Book of Discipline.

57 Where We Are We value remaining connected in mission.

58 Where We Are We value remaining connected in mission. We support the freedom to contextualize.

59 Where We Are We value remaining connected in mission. We support the freedom to contextualize. We are exploring many creative ways of living together including “branches,” “umbrella plans,” “affiliated connections,” “federated relationships” and more.


61 Open Space Technology A way to offer input to the Commission on a Way Forward Dialogue with table group to the extent that you are comfortable

62 Director of Connectional Ministries
Facilitator Linda Holland Director of Connectional Ministries

63 As we work together, I will...
Table Covenant As we work together, I will... let everyone participate, no one dominate, and allow every voice to be heard

64 As we work together, I will...
Table Covenant As we work together, I will... let everyone participate, no one dominate, and allow every voice to be heard. speak to be understood, not to convince.

65 As we work together, I will...
Table Covenant As we work together, I will... listen to understand.

66 As we work together, I will...
Table Covenant As we work together, I will... listen to understand. be sensitive to differences in perspectives.

67 As we work together, I will...
Table Covenant As we work together, I will... listen to understand. be sensitive to differences in perspectives. respect others’ thinking and value their contributions.

68 As we work together, I will...
Table Covenant As we work together, I will... disagree without being disagreeable.

69 As we work together, I will...
Table Covenant As we work together, I will... disagree without being disagreeable. be positive and non-judgmental.

70 As we work together, I will...
Table Covenant As we work together, I will... disagree without being disagreeable. be positive and non-judgmental. keep our discussion focused by staying out of the weeds and swamps.

71 1. Introductions My name My church Lay or clergy
Current feelings about the Commission on a Way Forward (three words or less)

72 2. My congregation’s current feelings about:
the UMC not ordaining people who are in same- gender relationships . . . UMC clergy not officiating at weddings of same- gender couples  

73 3. My current understanding of positions of others within the UMC who share viewpoints different from the majority of my congregation Some differing viewpoints I have heard expressed are … The strengths of these differing positions are ... The weaknesses of these differing positions are ... Common ground those with various perspectives share are ...

74 4. My current fears related to the impasse in the UMC over ordination criteria and UM clergy officiating at same-gender weddings are...

75 5. I hope the United Methodist denomination will find a way forward by . . .

76 Thank You for Your Participation. na-reg. brtapp
Thank You for Your Participation!

77 Commission on a Way Forward Update and Discussion

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