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Agricultural Revolution/Transition -10,000 b.c.

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Presentation on theme: "Agricultural Revolution/Transition -10,000 b.c."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agricultural Revolution/Transition -10,000 b.c.
Magna Carta The Renaissance s Printing Press Columbus Protestant Reformation – 1517 The Enlightenment – 1600s


3 American Indian diversity


5 Virginia/Jamestown 1607 Joint Stock Company Gold Escape London

6 High Mortality Rates The “Starving Time”: 1607: 104 colonists
1608: 38 survivors 1609: 300 more immigrants 1610: 60 survivors 1610 – 1624: 10,000 immigrants 1624 population: 1,200 Adult life expectancy: 40 years Death of children before age 5: 80%

7 Powhatan

8 “If you tickle the soil with a hoe, it will laugh with a harvest.”
Tobacco “If you tickle the soil with a hoe, it will laugh with a harvest.”

9 House of Burgesses, 1619 “Salutary Neglect”

10 The Settlement of New England

11 Separatists vs. Puritans

12 The Mayflower Compact 1620

13 Colonizing New England

14 The MA Bay Colony John Winthrop ‘City Upon a Hill’

15 Characteristics of New England Settlements
Low mortality/high life expectancy Many extended families. Average 6 children per family. “In the South the soil was fertile, in the North the women were.” Strict religious beliefs Puritanism

16 Literacy

17 New England Economy Puritan Work Ethic Fish and ships

18 The Bloody Tenant of Persecution… by Roger Williams [1644]

19 The Bloody Tenant of Persecution… by Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson

20 New England Colonies, 1650

21 Population of the New England Colonies

22 Indentured Servitude and Slavery
Jamestown: Indentured Servitude and Slavery Headright System: 50 acres of land for each person brought to the colony Indenture Contract: 7-10 years. Promised “freedom dues” [land, money] Only 1 in 10 outlived their indentured contracts. Turning toward slavery Servants became more expensive as they outlived their contracts and the economy improved in England Freed servants competed for land.

23 Bacon’s Rebellion: 1676

24 17c Population in the Chesapeake


26 MD Toleration Act, 1649

27 18c Southern Colonies

28 Rice & Indigo Exports from SC & GA: 1698-1775

29 New Netherlands & New Sweden

30 New Netherland becomes New York, 1664

31 Pennsylvania, 1681 Quakers rejected social hierarchy Pacifist
“City of Brotherly Love” Bread basket colony William Penn

32 Urban Population Growth 1650 - 1775

33 Ethnic Groups

34 New England: The First Great Awakening


36 Results of the French and Indian War
England has massive war debt. England wants to avoid further conflicts. End of salutary neglect.

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