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Honors United States History

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Presentation on theme: "Honors United States History"— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors United States History
Introduction to Quarter 4 March 31, 2014

2 Bell Ringer 5 Minutes Ringer 5 Minutes
Welcome to quarter 4, new quarter new you! How are you going to stay motivated this quarter to do well?

3 AIM Ai I will be able to set personal goals and understand the lens that we are viewing U.S. history through for quarter 4.

4 CHAMPS C=conversation, we will be sharing out during group discussion, be RESPECTFUL do not speak over one another and be an active listener. H=help, please raise your hand A=activity, you are responding and listening to your peers, and completing study guide. M=movement, you will be moving only to your section of the city council P=participation means no heads down, no cell phones, we are supporting our arguments citing evidence from the text. YOU WILL NOT EARN A GRADE FOR THE DAY IF YOUR ARE NOT MENATLLY PRESENT

5 Quarter 4 Graphic Organizer 40 minutes
We are working on individual goals, but we are sharing as a group. Inquiry Questions: 10 minutes Learner Profile: 10 Minutes Personal Goal Setting: 10 Minutes MYP Criterion: 10 Minutes

6 Exit Ticket 3 Minutes Being a risk taker what will you do different and why this quarter?

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