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Light and Color Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Light and Color Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Light and Color Vocabulary

2 Prism A piece of glass or other transparent material shaped like a triangle that separates white light into the colors of a rainbow.

3 Translucent Translucent material allows some light to pass through it but scatters the light in many directions. Example- Frosted glass

4 Transparent A transparent object allows light to pass through it.
Example: window

5 Opaque An opaque object blocks light from passing through it.
Example- cardboard box

6 Separated Caused to move or be apart. A prism separates the light into colors from the white light.

7 scattered To send light in many directions. Translucent objects scatter light.

8 Absorbed To take in. Colored objects absorb some colors of light but reflect some. Example- a banana looks yellow because it reflects yellow but absorbs the other colors.

9 Light Light is a form of energy that you can see. Energy is the ability to cause change. Example- The sun

10 Visible Light Visible light is electromagnetic radiation, which is visible to the human eye.

11 Spectrum Spectrum is the electromagnetic light that the human eye sees.

12 ROY G BIV Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

13 Reflect/ Reflection When light reflects it bounces surfaces of most objects Example- mirror

14 Refraction Light waves refract when they move from one transparent object to another, such as air to glass or to water.

15 Transmitted light Light passing through an object.


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