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First aid kit.

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1 First aid kit

2 Why do you need a first aid kit?
A well-stocked first-aid kit can help you respond effectively to common injuries and emergencies. Keep at least one first-aid kit in your home and one in your car. Store your kits in easy-to-retrieve locations that are out of the reach of young children. Children old enough to understand the purpose of the kits should know where they are stored.

3 Band-Aids

4 Sterile Gauze Pads

5 Scenario at school If a child gets injured on the playground at school, such as falling and scraping their knee on the concrete, a first aid kit would come in handy with this situation. If the skin is broken, the scrap or open wound needs to be cleaned with an alcohol pad or hydrogen peroxide and then a band-aid should be placed on top to protect the wound from getting any debris into it or getting infected.

6 Glove’s

7 Alcohol wipes or hydrogen peroxide

8 Scenario for car accident
If someone gets into a car accident and any glass shatters and cuts them, a first aid kit would come in handy in this situation. Depending on the severity of the cut, you may have to do more than just place a band-aid on the wound. Pressure should be applied to the wound and it should be as clean as possible. Also, the would needs to be wrapped in a gauze bandage to continue to stop the bleeding and to also remain free of any debris from getting into the wound. If further assistance is needed, you should seek a medical doctor just incase something needs to be removed from the wound or if the wound needs stitches.

9 Gauze Bandage or ACE Bandage

10 Tweezers

11 scissors

12 Scenario for office All workplaces should have a first- aid kit at all times. You never know when someone on the job may get hurt. The injury could range from a small paper cut to a sprained ankle. People who deal with a lot of paper work may cut their finger or hand from time to time and paper cuts are the worse if you ask me. I always need a band-aid around work, especially when I get a paper cut. We never know when we trip over something or don’t pay attention to the floor if something is on it and an ACE bandage might be useful in a situation like this to create localized pressure.

13 First aid book or pamphlet

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