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doc.: IEEE <doc#>

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> 6/29/2018 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [ Suggested Action Items for the IG NAN Group] Date Submitted: [09 May, 2008] Source: [Jay Ramasastry/James Pace] Company [Silver Spring Networks] Address [575 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 95129] Voice:[+1 (650) ], FAX: [+1(650) ], Re: [] Abstract: [Outline of suggested action items for the NAN Interest Group] Purpose: [Contribution to neighborhood Area Networks Interest Group (IG-NAN)] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Slide 1 Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks <author>, <company>

2 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
09-May-2008 doc.: IEEE XX <month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> 09 May 2008 6/29/2018 Suggested Action Items for IG NAN GROUP Jay Ramasastry James Pace Silver Springs Networks May 12, 2008 IEEE Interest Group: Neighborhood Area Networks Add Jay’s name Slide 2 Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks <author>, <company>

3 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
09-May-2008 doc.: IEEE 802. XX <month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> 6/29/2018 09 May 2008 SUGGESTED ACTION ITEMS for IG NAN GROUP Slide 3 Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks <author>, <company>

4 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> 6/29/2018 AREAS FOR DISCUSSION Scope of NAN versus PAN or LAN Applications Suitable for NAN Activity IEEE 802 PAR Criteria (Preliminary Comments) Suggestions for Follow-on Activities Slide 4 Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks <author>, <company>

<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> 6/29/2018 APPLICATIONS IN NAN AREA Primary Applications Smart-Grid Networks Oil Fields and Platforms Agricultural Synergistic Application areas Industrial Wireless (WiHART, ISA SP100, etc.) Home Area Networks (HAN) Other Applications Compatible with and Complementary to In-Prem Networks Slide 5 Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks <author>, <company>

<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> 6/29/2018 AREAS FOR DISCUSSION SMART-GRID NETWORKS Major Utilities expanding their Smart-Grid Initiatives Wireless Utility Network solutions are being widely tested As shown in FPL and PG&E presentations, time has come for standardized solutions to enable optimal expansion of this major application area Technical Requirements have been clearly identified Recently passed Federal Energy Legislation (H.R.6: Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007) identifies standardization of Smart-Grid Networks via NIST and Standards Bodies a priority Slide 6 Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks <author>, <company>

7 IEEE 802 PAR Criteria (Preliminary Comments)
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> 6/29/2018 IEEE 802 PAR Criteria (Preliminary Comments) Broad Market Potential Compatibility Distinct Identity (“Uniqueness”) Technical Feasibility Economic Feasibility Slide 7 Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks <author>, <company>

8 IEEE 802 PAR CRITERIA-1 Broad Market Potential
6/29/2018 IEEE 802 PAR CRITERIA-1 Broad Market Potential ◊ tens of millions in the domestic market; billions on a global scale ◊ demand for low cost, low complexity, easily deployed, robust, and scalable networks operating in license-exempt or dedicated spectrum, while enabling and coexisting with other wireless systems ( /Zigbee for example) ◊ smart utility networks is a global market, ready for immediate deployment and expansion ◊ hundreds of field-trials are in progress right now ◊ Multiple Vendors and numerous users ◊ Market ready for orderly evolution Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks

9 IEEE 802 PAR CRITERIA-2 Compatibility
6/29/2018 IEEE 802 PAR CRITERIA-2 Compatibility ◊ IEEE 802 defines a family of standards ◊ All standards shall be in conformance with IEEE802.1 Architecture, management, and Inter-working ◊ All LLC and MAC standards shall be compatible with ISO 10039, MAC service Definition, at the LLC/MAC boundary ◊ the TBD MAC and PHY specifications for the NAN (Smart Grid) requirements will be compatible with the IEEE 802 family of MAC and PHY standards Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks

10 IEEE 802 PAR CRITERIA-3 Distinct Identity – “Uniqueness”
6/29/2018 IEEE 802 PAR CRITERIA-3 Distinct Identity – “Uniqueness” ◊ Substantially different from other IEE 802 standards ◊ May require new PHY and MAC specifications (NAN SG to confirm this finding) ◊ It is possible the NAN MAC can be an enhancement of the MAC (to be confirmed by NAN SG and also TG 4e) ◊ Uniqueness was clearly identified in earlier presentations (to be further confirmed by the NAN SG) ◊ One unique solution to a problem (not two or more solutions) for the emerging market of utility network applications (clearly distinct from in-prem network applications) ◊ Easy for the document reader to select the relevant specification Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks

11 IEEE 802 PAR CRITERIA-4 Technical Feasibility
6/29/2018 IEEE 802 PAR CRITERIA-4 Technical Feasibility ◊ Demonstrated System Feasibility ◊ Database on tradeoffs between different solutions ◊ Database on problem areas ◊ Proven technology options, extensive testing ◊ Confidence in reliability and scalability Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks

12 IEEE 802 PAR CRITERIA-5 Economic Feasibility
6/29/2018 IEEE 802 PAR CRITERIA-5 Economic Feasibility ◊ Reasonable and sound estimates of the size, performance, cost, and power requirements ◊ Installation cost objectives ◊ Availability of proven technology, solutions ◊ Ready for standardization ◊ Proprietary solutions hinder market evolution, widespread interoperability among different applications Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks

13 Suggestions for Follow-On Activities
6/29/2018 Suggestions for Follow-On Activities The NAN area is indeed a big market space, and worthy of further consideration by the IEEE National and global energy policies warrant such consideration The Interest Group (IG) may assess interest and ask the WG to form a Study Group (SG) to carry on follow-on activities SG’s activities may include examination of all available facts on applications, top level requirements, and technical/economic feasibility, and develop suitable PARs for PHY and MAC (it is possible one or both may be enhancements of the existing spec) Maintain as much synergy as possible with other efforts Jay Ramasastry; James Pace /Silver Spring Networks

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