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American Revolution Domain 1 Part II.

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1 American Revolution Domain 1 Part II

2 Explain the causes of the American Revolution.
Benjamin Franklin’s Propaganda (What does it mean?)

3 The French & Indian War French & British imperial competition for land in North America led to war in 1754 American Indians tended to support the French, BUISNESS Treaty of Paris, 1763, ended the war British victory/French kicked out Some Americans were bitter over a more permanent British presence Standard 3 A


5 Proclamation of 1763 American couldn’t go west of Appalachian Mountains. British scared of Indians The American colonists were angry, because they felt that their ability to grow had been limited Standard 3 B

6 $tamp Act The French & Indian War left large debts and large bills to pay. Let colonist pay instead of British…FAIR? The Stamp Act forced colonists to print newspapers, playing cards, legal documents, etc. on special paper with special stamps $ $ Standard 3 B

7 Intolerable Acts After the Sons and Daughters of Liberty protested the new taxes with the Boston Tea Party, the British began to punish them 5 acts in all. Most important: Boston Port Act Closed Boston Harbor Quartering Act Americans had to house British Soldiers Standard 3 B

8 Committees of Correspondence
Secret communication of American Patriots. Against the British treatment of the American citizens It led to the First Continental Congress, formally organizing the colonies together Standard 3 B

9 Thomas Paine In January 1776 he wrote “Common Sense”
Called for American independence because: The Atlantic Ocean was too wide An island cannot rule a continent No “mother” would treat her “child” so badly Standard 3 C


11 Describe the American Revolutionary War.
In your own words define revolution. What does it mean to have a revolution? What does “Taxation without Representation” mean? Why do you think that the colonist used this for a reason to go to war with the English?

12 Declaration of Independence
One of the most important documents in American history Written by Thomas Jefferson edited by John Adams, Ben Franklin, ect. Used simple and direct language Borrowed from famous philosophers like John Locke The longest part of it is the end gives examples of how King George III had violated the rights of the American colonists It also explains how the only way to correct these wrongs is to give the Americans control over their own government Standard 4 A

13 Page 109 We’re going to translate it

14 The Continental Army When the American Revolution began, George Washington was named commander- in-chief Great leadership and strong organizational abilities The lives of soldiers were hard, serving 1-3 years, with low pay housing/food/clothing were hard to come by and morale was low, especially after some early losses Standard 4 C

15 Crossing the Delaware River
On Christmas night 1776, Washington snuck his troops to a victory that would be a turning point In a heavy snowstorm, his men quietly crossed the icy river to a grand victory over the British mercenaries (Hessians) at Trenton, New Jersey Standard 4 C

16 Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
The winter of was particularly harsh 2,000 Continentals spent six months with little money or food, inadequate clothes & supplies Disease spread 4,000 were to be too weak or ill to fight Army became more self-assured. Standard 4 C


18 French Alliance The French decided to help the Americans After a convincing victory at Saratoga, New York. Benjamin Franklin helped convince the French to help until the Americans won A Frenchman, Marquis de Lafayette, commanded American soldiers. Many victories Standard 4 B

19 Lord Charles Cornwallis and the Battle of Yorktown
Tried to split the colonies in half. Won few battles When French support arrived in Virginia, Cornwallis was surrounded and was forced to surrender at the Battle of Yorktown. Will be the definitive battle of the American Revolution. Standard 4 D


21 Treaty of Paris, 1783 The American Revolution was over and the Americans had won their independence They also gained control of all lands as far west at the Mississippi River Also, Spain gained Florida territory from Britain Standard 4 D

22 Evolution of our Revolution
You will be given a Evolution of our Revolution. You will need to put the events in the correct order. The 16 events are: Treaty of Paris 1783 Committee of Correspondence 13 Colonies Common Sense Published Mercantilism Intolerable Acts Declaration of Independence Treaty of Paris 1763 French and Indian War Battle of Yorktown Proclamation Line of 1763 Stamp Act Crossing the Delaware River French Assistance with Marquis de Lafayette The Great Awakening Valley Forge

23 Road to the American Revolution Project:
Your assignment is to create a Road to the American Revolution Booklet. For each event you need to include the following: Event Date (Events must be in CORRECT order) Detailed description (including the information below) Define – the event Describe the event – what actually happened (in your own words) Who were the MAIN People involved Explain - How did this event led to the American Revolution Picture/Illustration Treaty of Paris 1783 Committee of Correspondence 13 Colonies Common Sense Published Mercantilism Intolerable Acts Declaration of Independence Treaty of Paris 1763 French and Indian War Battle of Yorktown Proclamation Line of 1763 Stamp Act Crossing the Delaware River French Assistance with Marquis de Lafayette The Great Awakening Valley Forge

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