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My/o Muscle.

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Presentation on theme: "My/o Muscle."— Presentation transcript:

1 My/o Muscle

2 Kines- movement (kinesiology)

3 Ton- tone

4 -ic pertaining to (atonic—pertaining to without muscle tone) -ia condition of

5 Clon (us) violent action (myoclonus-spasm/twitching of muscles

6 -asthenia weakness or lack of strength (myasthenia—muscle weakness)

7 -algia pain

8 Fibr/o fiberous connective tissue (fibromyalgia)

9 -paresis partial/complete paralysis

10 -lysis destruction or breaking down

11 -sclerosis hardening of

12 -cele hernia (myocele)

13 Dys- bad (dystonia-bad muscle tone)

14 -tax- coordination (dystaxia-difficult in controlling coordination)

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