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Bellringer Day 2 – A major reason for the issuance of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to discourage United States trade with Latin America defend the.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Day 2 – A major reason for the issuance of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to discourage United States trade with Latin America defend the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Day 2 – A major reason for the issuance of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to discourage United States trade with Latin America defend the Panama Canal from Great Britain prevent further European colonization in the Caribbean region provide economic aid to Latin American nations A

2 Learning Targets U2T3 – I can explain the cause/effects of the Louisiana Purchase. U2T4 – I can describe the push/pull factors that influenced westward expansion. U2T5 – I can explain the cause/effects of the Mexican American War U2T6 - I can explain the impact of Manifest Destiny/westward expansion on American Indians.

3 MANIFEST DESTINY- expanding westward
After the 1800’s America started expanding westward across the continent of North America Many Americans were moving westward because of Manifest Destiny: the belief, held by many Americans that the United States was destined to spread across the North American continent and beyond


5 Westward Expansion Push and Pull Factors
Push Factors: Why to LEAVE where you are Pull Factors: Why to go to a new place Push Factors: Overcrowded Cities Population increasing No open land for farming

6 In what ways did America fulfill the belief of Manifest Destiny?

7 Manifest Destiny Ex #1 The Louisiana Purchase

8 Cause Effect Bought by Pres. Thomas Jefferson for $15 million to expand the U.S. Open passage to Pacific Ocean Obtain good farmland Help Fr. Have money for war Control New Orleans and Mississippi R. for trade Increase exploration west ( remember Lewis and Clark) Doubled the size of the U.S. Increased taxes and control of new resources Increases conflict with Na. Am. Fulfills Manifest Destiny

9 Mapping Manifest Destiny
Using the Nystrom atlas book, follow the directions on the page to complete your Charts and Maps. Partner A- get the one set of colored pencils for you and your partner. Partner B- get the Nystrom atlas book for your and your partner. Special Note: It is important to read the directions and pages in the ATLAS carefully- they contain EXTRA information that will help you understand what you are mapping! Uses pages from the teachers book. Print enough for each student. This will be 2B in the notebook.

10 Manifest Destiny Ex #2 Indian Removal Act
President Andrew Jackson sent Congress a pressing for the removal of eastern Native Americans tribes to lands west of the Mississippi River. Jackson believed the relocation of Native Americans would encourage settlement in Western lands and allow Native Americans to govern themselves. Congress passed the Indian Removal Act on May 28, 1830. Opened 25 million acres of land to white settlers

11 Manifest Destiny Ex #3 The Gold Rush 1849
In 1848, men found gold in the rivers and streams of northern California Territory. Men who found gold struck it rich and inspired many to travel west in hope of finding wealth Increased population of California x3

12 Manifest Destiny Ex #4 Mexican American War
The Mexican American war occurred in shortly after the U.S. annexed(become a state) Texas Read the following document and record the causes of the war. Effects: 1. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo U.S. gained the New Mexico and California Territory Mexico given 15 million dollars New border was the Rio Grande River

13 Pull Factors of Westward Expansion
With your partner- review the mapping activity and notes from today and come up with 3 pull factors pulling settlers westward 1. 2. 3.

14 Exit Slip Answer questions 4-7. Fix questions 1-3

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