Organizing and delivering a memorized speech

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1 Organizing and delivering a memorized speech

2 Objectives: Identify the features of a memorized speech
Write topics appropriate for a memorized speech Develop and deliver an effective memorized speech Evaluate and critique a speech Apply learning and thinking skills, life skills and ICT literacy in developing and delivering a memorized speech Reflect on your learning on delivering a memorized speech

3 Lots of time and energy to write and memorize
What is a memorized speech? It is a speech that is composed word for word and is recited from memory rather than read from cue cards or using the assistance of notes. Advantages You do not need notes anymore You can plan gestures, facial expressions and movement You can concentrate on visual aids and props You will feel more confident disadvantages Lots of time and energy to write and memorize Can sound insincere Speakers memory can fail

4 Tips in memorizing a speech
break it down! Build it up! Speak out! Identify keys! Have a break! Record and listen! Use note cards!

5 Types of speeches and topics
Informative it is given to teach audience something new persuasive Influencing people by using credibility, logic and emotion Special occasion speeches delivered to commemorate an occasion like a wedding or a funeral other examples: demonstration speech tribute speech motivational speech graduation speech acceptance speech informal speech topics

6 Organizing a memorized speech
Speech organization: importance to speaker and audience keep the information organized which demonstrates credibility and makes the speech easier to comprehend Developing and selecting the main ideas of a speech the objective of a good speech is to persuade, inform or entertain an audience Supporting ideas of a speech: development, selection and characteristics supporting ideas will help strengthen your speech and persuade your audience

7 Speech evaluation Evaluate yourself as a speaker Speech criteria
Assessment strategies Rehearsal process

8 Speech delivery Using vocal qualities to convey meaning in public speaking consider vocal qualities like volume, pace and pitch Consider pronunciation, articulation and dialect the speakers culture and habits often have much to do with the vocal traits of a speech Use of nonverbal communication when delivering a speech, your body movements tell almost as much about you as your actual speech

9 Other tips Stay confident Connect with your audience Be yourself
Keep it short and sweet

10 REFERENCE: Sipacio, Philippe John F. & Balgos, Ann Richie G
REFERENCE: Sipacio, Philippe John F. & Balgos, Ann Richie G. (2016) Oral Communication in Context For Senior High School () C & E Publishing:893 EDSA, South Triangle, Quezon City

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