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Phylum Arthropoda The Bugs.

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1 Phylum Arthropoda The Bugs

2 Phylum Arthropoda Diversity Divided into Subphyla and Classes:
about 80% of all animals are arthropods in virtually every habitat: marine, terrestrial, freshwater, and aerial habitats. Divided into Subphyla and Classes: Subphyla Trilobita (extinct) Subphyla Chelicerata Subphyla Uniramai Subphyla Crustacea

3 General Characteristics
Hard exoskeleton composed of proteins (ex. Chitin) Allows for great variation in function - biological "swiss army knives" Must molt as they grow (Ecdysis) Limits their size Well developed body segments and jointed appendages Well developed sensory organs including nervous system (brain), true eyes, and antennae Open circulatory systems & gas exchange organs Exhibit bilateral symmetry

4 General Characteristics
Reproduction (sexual): Marine arthropods fertilize internally or externally Terrestrial arthropods always fertilize internally Pedipalps amd gonopods can be used to introduce sperm into the female Some arthropods create a spermatophore (sac of sperm) and leave it behind for the female to collect Some arthropods copulate in order to reproduce

5 Could this be possible?

6 Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Chelicerata (arachnids, horseshoe crabs & sea spiders)
3 Classes: Class Arachnida Class Merostomata Class Pycnogonida

7 Subphylum Chelicerata (arachnids, horseshoe crabs & sea spiders)
Body divided into 2 regions Abdomen Cephalothorax (fused head & thorax) Lack jaws No antennae Have 6 pairs of appendages First appendages form chelicerae (frequently fangs) Second pair form pedipalps 4 pairs of jointed legs

8 Subphylum Chelicerata, Class Arachnida (Spiders, Scorpions, Ticks & Mites)
Very diverse class Most species parasitic or predatory Many possess book lungs for gas exchange

9 Subphylum Chelicerata, Class Arachnida (Spiders, Scorpions, Ticks & Mites)
Spiders are able to produce a strong polymer – silk Only arthropod to not have compound eyes Chelicera (green Pedipalps (to the side)

10 Spiders

11 More Spiders… Tarantula Black Widow

12 For the true arachnophobe…
The brown recluse and its bite wounds

13 The Camel Spider

14 Ticks & Mites

15 Ticks & Lyme Disease…

16 Common Mites Common Mite Dust Mite

17 Scorpions Females keep fertilized eggs inside the body until they hatch. The young cling to the female, but can be eaten by her as well

18 Subphylum Chelicerata, Class Picogonida (Sea Spiders)

19 Subphylum Chelicerata, Class Merostomata (Horsehoe Crab)
Changed little over 350 million years Aquatic, mostly found on Atlantic & gulf coasts of United States 10 eyes (photoreceptors) including one on the tail

20 Subphylum Chelicerata, Class Merostomata (Horsehoe Crab)
Mates during spring and summer full and new moons, onto ocean beaches. Females lay up to 30 thousand eggs, which males fertilize before burying them in the sand

21 Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Uniramai
3 Classes: Class Insecta (Insects) Class Chilopoda (Centipedes) Class Diplopoda (Millipedes)

22 Subphylum Uniramai, Class Insecta (Insects)
Far & away the most diverse of animal groups More types of insects alone than all other animal groups combined Inhabit all terrestrial & freshwater ecosystems. Success largely attributed to coevolution with flowering plants.

23 Insect Body Plan Insects have 6 legs or 3 pairs of legs 3 body parts
Head Thorax Abdomen Most insects have wings, however in many species these are vestigial Have advanced excretory system composed of malphygian tubules Exchange gases through a complex tracheal system

24 Insects Vision Have complex compound eye which is usually extremely sensitive to motion and allows 3600 vision Most insects see well into the UV spectrum

25 Insects Vision Consists of thousands of hexagonal tubes called ommatidia. Each has a lens at the front and a cluster of light sensing cells at the back. Image forms a mosaic picture Image is not clear and detailed, but do have a much wider field of view Many insects can see ultraviolet light Flowers have ultraviolet markings, that are visible to pollinating insects

26 Feeding / Mouthparts Insects usually have specialized jaws/mouthparts suited to their ecological need

27 Metamorphosis Most insects undergo a process of metamorphosis 2 Types:
Incomplete Metamorphosis – nymphs are small adults Complete Metamorphosis – cocoon/chrysalis

28 Subphylum Uniramai, Classes Chilopoda & Diplopoda
Millipedes (Diplopoda) are segmented worm-like animals Have 2 pairs of legs/segment Primarily herbivores & decomposers Centipedes (Chilopoda) Usually terrestrial carnivores Have 1 pair of legs/segment Are often poisonous, using modified front claws to immobilize prey

29 Centipedes vs. Millipedes

30 Subphylum Crustacea, Class Crustacea
Includes crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill & barnacles 2 pairs of antennae Appendages are often highly specialized Gas exchange is usually through gills Many species taste delicious in butter

31 Lobster and Crayfish Freshwater Crayfish Marine Lobster

32 Sexes of the Crayfish Males – first swimmerets are modified into (1) gonopods. Gonopods transfer sperm to female. Females – (2) seminal receptacle receives sperm while the (3) gonopore releases the fertilized eggs. The eggs attach to the swimmerets until time to hatch.

33 Krill and Shrimp Krill Shrimp

34 Crabs

35 Barnacles

36 Crayfish Diagram

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