Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta

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1 Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta
CODEX PRESERVATION OF MEDIA SHIFTING IN SANATA DHARMA LIBRARY YOGYAKARTA UNIVERSITY Nurul Rahmi Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta WhatsApp : Jun Akizaki The Power of PowerPoint |

2 The Power of PowerPoint |
Presentation Agenda Introduction Discussion Literature Review Conclusion Preservation Media Shifting Codex Policy Methods Contact us Keep in touch The Power of PowerPoint |

3 Introduction Information is the era globalization.
Through digital media will decrease the risk of loss of such information and valuable resources. Another advantage for the users, especially academics and researchers, can simplify the process of finding the necessary information through various search engine facility Information is the era globalization. Library is one part that can not be separated in the development of technology. The scope of the digital world, preservation effort is a digital product creation process that is owned by the value to be preserved at all times Codex Preservation of Media shifting in Sanata Dharma Library Yogyakarta University library is a place where all sources of information are processed, managed, and disseminated to the public. The Power of PowerPoint |

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The Goal The objective of this study aimed to discover the codex process of media shifting in the library of Sanata Dharma University. Methode This research is qualitative study with field research, the data were gained through observation and interview. The Power of PowerPoint |

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Literature Review Preservation Media Shifting Codex Policy The word preservation can be defined by the word comes from the preservation of the English language preservation. According to IFLA in Martoatmodjo, preservation is to preserve all aspects of library materials, finance, tranquility, methods, technique and storage. Furthermore, in his Sulistyo Basuki said that preservation is an activity that covers all aspects of the effort to preserve library materials and archives including management policy, finance, human resources, methods and storage techniques. Media shifting is the shifting of media from print media such as books, magazines, newspapers, photographs, and images in the form of digital data that can be recorded, stored, and accessed through computers or other digital media. the codex was all written documents which are not printed or reproduced by any other means, both in regards domestically and abroad aged at least 50 (fifty) years and has important value to the national culture, history, and science. Digital preservation policy is a crucial part of managing the risk associated with rapid computer hardware and software obsolesces. It is a plan of action for the safekeeping of digital objects. Such a plan of action addresses the questions of what needs to be preserved, why, for what purpose, and for how long. The Power of PowerPoint |

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Sanata Dharma Profil Sanata Dharma University Library (PUSD) was established on 17 December 1955, which at that time had an official name education college Sanata Dharma which later evolved into the greater as the University of Sanata Dharma. Founder and first head of the library PUSD was Wilhelmus van der Meulern, S.J. Sanata Dharma University Library (PUSD) is one of the college library in Yogyakarta which conducted the media shifting preservation from print to digital media. The media shifting Collections is a rare collection of ancient such as a collection of ancient Javanese (Artati collection), a collection of Dutch (Verhaar pusdok) and Sartonos’ library The Power of PowerPoint |

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Discussion The preservation process of Sanata Dharma University Library are, selecting and portrait. Furthermore, these collections are combined in one folder, then edited and moved into PDF format. After the completion of codex is shifting, then the codex is moved into JPEG, TIFF, RAW, and PDF format. TIFF and RAW storage media can be used as a medium for long-term storage for the data bank as a digital archive storage, while the JPEG format used for media publications. the image conversion file process is made by a specified resolution values. The next process is the process of compilation that combines image file conversion results into the system templates created via flash application is to pack each image file that has been converted into E-Book. to be able to upload the PDF is used FileZilla application. Once the entire process conducted is complete, then the files can be directly consumed by library visitor. The Power of PowerPoint |

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Conclusion Preservation is maintenance efforts with a variety of techniques and the format results is still going until the preservation can be used in various scientific etc. The scope of the digital world, preservation effort is a digital product creation process which has the value to be preserved at all times. The media shifting preservation is expected to keep and preserve the codex in the library which aims to maintain the authenticity of the contents of the document, as the preservation and maintenance, so it can be used to the next generations. The Power of PowerPoint |

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Nurul Rahmi Hello. I am a student at Sunan Kalijaga Islamic University Yogyakarta Facebook Whatsapp Mail The Power of PowerPoint |

10 Thank you! The Power of PowerPoint –
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