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The Modernization of Quebec Society

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1 The Modernization of Quebec Society
CHAPTER 6: The Modernization of Quebec Society

2 pgs Lesson 8: Quebec in the 1970s The reforms of the Quiet Revolution SLOWED down in the ‘70s and the economy struggled. Who was ROBERT BOURASSA? Robert BOURASSA was the LIBERAL PREMIER of Quebec from He faced many political and social challenges. His main focus was on: job creation; less government intervention; the economic development of Quebec.

3 While Bourassa was in power, separatists became more radical. How?
The FLQ [Front de Liberation du Quebec] became violent. Founded in 1963, this group advocated armed struggle and attacked British symbols of colonialism and English power in Quebec. For example, the FLQ: bombed statues of British historical figures; placed bombs in mailboxes in English neighbourhoods; kidnapped liberal provincial minister Pierre Laporte [later found dead]. These actions led to the OCTOBER CRISIS in To restore order, the federal government enacted the WAR MEASURES ACT which allowed them to: conduct searches without warrants; arrest suspected FLQ supporters; call in the Canadian army to secure and occupy Montreal.

4 Minister Pierre Laporte is killed after being kidnapped!
The October Crisis Cleaning up after a bombing in Westmount - the FLQ would bomb symbols of British colonialism and English power. Prime Minister Trudeau invokes the War Measures Act to gain control of the situation... Minister Pierre Laporte is killed after being kidnapped!

5 The PARTI QUEBECOIS rises to power:
The PQ won the 1976 election under the leadership of Rene LEVESQUE. Their policies? strongly interventionist; wanted political/constitutional/legal SOVEREIGNTY [independence] for Quebec. They held a REFERENDUM on the issue of sovereignty in Quebecers had to vote on whether they wanted Quebec to separate from Canada. The result? 59.56 % vote NO 40.44 % vote YES [A bit too close for comfort!]

6 What explains the ECONOMIC DECLINE in the 1970s?
The economy experienced a SLOWDOWN in the 1970s due to: in price of oil competition [from Asia] unemployment in price of goods = in purchasing power Bourassa tried to make things better by creating jobs. He: encouraged foreign investors to establish businesses in Quebec; initiated large construction projects; proposed we build hydroelectric dams in James Bay & La Grande Riviere.

7 How did ABORIGINALS react to the construction of HYDROELECTRIC DAMS?
Initially, they were not consulted on the JAMES BAY PROJECT. They worried about its effects on their environment and way of life. They sued the government and following negotiations, the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement was signed in This gave them: financial compensation [$$$]; a promise that their traditional way of life will be protected. Note: The James Bay project was dubbed the PROJECT OF THE CENTURY due to the amount of jobs it would create!

8 What SOCIAL ISSUES surfaced in the 1970s?
A] WORK RELATIONS: Three unions merged to form a COMMON FRONT [1972] to protest inequality and social problems as well as to negotiate better working conditions. As a result: HEALTH INSURANCE & CLSC’s were set up [1972]; FREE MEDS provided to seniors; MATERNITY LEAVE is possible. B] THE FRENCH LANGUAGE: With new immigrants choosing English over French, Francophones worried and new laws emerged: 1974: The Loi sur la langue officielle makes French the only OFFICIAL LANGUAGE of QC 1977: BILL 101 [aka: the Charter of the French language] forced French on public signs and forced immigrant children into French schools.

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