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Royal Garden Party Buckingham Palace.

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1 Royal Garden Party Buckingham Palace



4 Garden parties have been held at Buckingham Palace since the 1860s, when Queen Victoria instituted what were known as 'breakfasts'. Every summer, The Queen hosts at least three at Buckingham Palace, and one at the Palace of Holyrood House in Edinburgh. With tea, cakes and a beautiful garden to stroll in, garden parties are among the most relaxed and informal Royal events.

5 Over 30,000 people (8,000 at each party) from all walks of life attend.
People are invited on the recommendation organisations such as the Civil Service, Armed Services, Diplomatic Corps, charities and societies,. Garden party invitations are sent out by the Lord Chamberlain' s Office in the Lord Chamberlain's name on behalf of The Queen



8 Gentlemen wear morning dress or lounge suits, while women wear afternoon dress, usually with hats or fascinators. National dress and uniform are also often worn. Take place between 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh, accompanied by other members of the Royal Family, enter the garden at 4.00 pm Two military bands play selections of music during the afternoon

9 After the playing of the National Anthem, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh, with other members of the Royal Family, circulate among the guests through 'lanes' which are peculiar to Royal garden parties. The Queen and Royal Family eventually arrive at the Royal tea tent, where they meet further guests.

10 There are tea tents for other guests
There are tea tents for other guests. Tea and other refreshments are served from long buffet tables. At about 6.00 pm, The Queen and other members of the Royal Family leave the garden, when the National Anthem is played to mark the end of the party. At Buckingham Palace the Yeoman of the Guard, Gentlemen at Arms and Gentlemen Ushers are on duty.


12 The Food

13 More Food







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