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Hormones Henderson.

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1 Hormones Henderson

2 Oral Contraceptives There are 4 different groups of Oral Contraceptives Monophasic:- fixed dosage of estrogen to progestin throughout the cycle Lo-Ovral - Legend Drug Loestrin - Legend Drug Nordette - Legend Drug Yasmin - Legend Drug Levlen - Legend Drug Ovcon – Legend Drug

3 Biphasic: Estrogen is same for 21 days, increased progestin for first half of cycle and decreased progestin during second half of cycle Ortho Novum 10/11 - Legend Drug Necon 10/11 - Legend Drug

4 Triphasic: Estrogen remains the same or varies throughout cycle and progestin varies
Ortho Novum 7/7/7 - Legend Drug Tri-Levlen - Legend Drug Ortho Tri-Cyclen - Legend Drug

5 4 Phasic: offers 4 progestin/estrogen dosing combinations during each 28- day cycle

6 Vaginal Rings Nuvaring: a low-dose contraceptive vaginal ring.
Designed to be inserted vaginally, left in place for days, and remove for 7 days to have menstrual cycle. *more commonly used for a contraceptive Femring - a low-dose estradiol ring. Designed to reduce hot flashes and vaginal atrophy during menopause. *more commonly used for hormone replacement during menopause

7 Corticosteroids Hormones secreted by the adrenal gland.
Used for inflammation, asthma, cancer. BRAND GENERIC Deltasone Prednisone Medrol Methylprednisolone Decadron Dexamethasone

8 Topical Steroids Used for rashes, topical inflammation, and eczema.
Hydrocortisone Triamcinolone betamethasone

9 Inhaled steroids Designed to apply medication directly to the respiratory tract. Used to treat chronic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic asthma, etc. Qvar Pulmicort Flovent Azmacort

10 Insulin Hormone produced by the pancreases that
allow your body to use sugar. Insulin helps keeps your blood sugar level from getting too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia). When your body cannot produce insulin efficiently, you become diabetic.

11 diabetes Type I: Type II:
Patients who do not produce any insulin and require daily insulin injections. Type II: Patients who produce some insulin, but generally not enough to allow proper glucose utilization.

12 Types of insulin Regular: Fast Acting NPH: Intermediate Acting
Humalog- Fast Acting Lantus- Long acting Novolog- Fast Acting Levemir- Long Acting Apidra- Fast acting

13 Diabetic Medications BRAND GENERIC Glucotrol Glipizide Micronase
Glyburide Amaryl Glimepiride Glucophage Metformin Actos Pioglitazone Januvia Sitagliptin

14 Thyroid Thyroid hormones regulate the rate of many physiological processes including protein synthesis, glucose and carbohydrate metabolism, energy storage, fat metabolism, nervous system development, and body temperature. If a patient cannot produce thyroid hormones, body systems will respond negatively.

15 Thyroid medication Brand Generic Use Synthroid Levothyroxine
Thyroid deficiency

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