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The Collapse of Compromise

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1 The Collapse of Compromise

2 Compromise The Impending bloodshed caused final attempts at a compromise Senator James Henry Crittenden sponsored the most promising of these compromises He proposed - Slavery was prohibited in territories North of the line 36, 30 and given federal protection south of the line regardless of the wishes of the majority This would turn all territory south of the line permanently have slavery, such as Cuba. Only when these territories became states could they choose whether or not to have slavery.

3 Lincoln/Buchanan Lincoln shot down the proposed Crittenden proposal. He was elected president partly because of his platform of opposition to the expansion of slavery. People also blamed previous president James Buchanan for not holding the the south in the union by force. But if he had used force in December of 1860, the fighting would have began 3 months earlier. If this happened the union would have been seen as the aggressor and its border states might have joined the south.

4 Origin Crittenden Compromise A Joint Resolution (S. No. 50)
Proposing certain amendments to the Constitution of the United States. Whereas serious and alarming dissensions have arisen between the northern and southern states, concerning the rights and security of the rights of the slaveholding States, and especially their rights in the common territory of the United States; and whereas it is eminently desirable and proper that these dissensions, which now threaten the very existence of this Union, should be permanently quieted and settled by constitutional provisions, which shall do equal justice to all sections, and thereby restore to all the people that peace and good-will which ought to prevail between all the citizens of the United States

5 FATPB Format - Congressional Resolution Author - James Crittenden
Time Place - Washington D.C, Congress Background - This document was affected by imminent war and the tensions between North and South.

6 Content The Author, James Crittendon, wanted to prevent war between the North and the South. Crittenden was from a border state, Kentucky, explaining why he was on the fence between the two sides and at the forefront of the proposed compromises.

7 Purpose This document was written to prevent a Civil war, and more specifically to appease the South. The South was feeling extremely threatened by the increase of free states and also due to other factors. The South was the faction that wanted to secede thus they needed to be made happy.

8 Values This document is very important because it almost allowed slavery to be permanent in the southern slates and territories below the line. This was the last attempt at compromise before war and secession erupted.

9 Limitations This could be restricted because it failed to be passed in Congress, thus it had no lasting effect on history. Also it represented the viewpoint of someone from ]a border state and not someone from the North and South, who are usually focused on.

10 Questions Explain why Crittenden's Compromise failed
Analyze why Buchanan could not use force against South Carolina in December 1860

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