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Causes of the Civil War…

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1 Causes of the Civil War…
1. Missouri Compromise 2. Compromise of Fugitive Slave Act 3. Kansas-Nebraska Act 4. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 5. Dred Scott Decision 6. Raid on Harper’s Ferry 7. Election of 1860 Bell Ringer! Which of the following causes of the Civil War do you think were the most important? Choose one that you believe stands out above the rest and defend your decision in four lines

Compromise of 1850 – “Fugitive Slave Act” Missouri Compromise Dred Scott Decision Kansas/Nebraska Act and “Bleeding Kansas” CIVIL WAR! Raid on Harper’s Ferry Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” Election of 1860

3 1860 Election Party Platforms and Candidates (beliefs)
REPUBLICAN (A. Lincoln) – opposed the expansion of slavery into the territories NORTHERN DEMOCRATS (S. Douglas) – allow the voters of the territories to decide on the slavery issue (popular sovereignty) SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS (J. Breckinridge) – opposed the limits on slavery CONSTITUTIONAL UNION (J. Bell) – preserve the Union!

4 What is the message of this cartoon?


6 Red = Lincoln Blue = Douglas Green = Breckinridge Yellow = Bell

7 Bell Ringer! Please take out your study guide
Answer the following questions: Do you think the Civil War was inevitable (unavoidable)? Why or why not? What (if anything) could Lincoln have done to prevent war from happening?

8 Crittenden Plan Compromise Fails…
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution: *In territories south of the Missouri line, slavery of the African race was "hereby recognized" and could not be interfered with by Congress. *Congress could not abolish slavery in the Washington D.C. *Congress could not prohibit or interfere with the interstate slave trade. *No future amendment of the Constitution could change these amendments or authorize or empower Congress to interfere with slavery within any slave state.

9 Bell Ringer! Put the following in chronological order:
Lincoln’s Election Increased use of slaves Civil War begins Invention of cotton gin

10 Invention of cotton gin
Increased use of slaves Lincoln’s election Civil War

11 TERM TO KNOW! Secede – to withdraw or leave
“Southern secession” means that states in the South are leaving the United States and creating their own new country


13 Southern States Secede…
Southerners feel that the country had put an abolitionist in the White House and many believed secession (leaving) was the only option. In 1860, South Carolina is the first state to leave the union, by February of 1861, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi follow. In 1861, these seven states held a convention in Montgomery, Alabama, and formed the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi was named the President. The South felt they had the right to secede. The Declaration of Independence stated that “it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish” a government that denies the rights of its citizens. Lincoln, they believed, would deny them the right to own slaves.

14 Why Leave????? Why did some southern states decide to secede from the Union? A = Feared Lincoln would end slavery, threatened ‘state’s rights’ Which area of the south seceded before Lincoln became inaugurated? A = Deep South Why did those states secede immediately (and not the states in the upper south)? A = They relied heavily on cotton production and felt an end to slavery would ruin their economy


16 Beginning of Civil War…
The Confederacy starts to take possession of all Federal buildings in the South — (forts, post offices, etc) In April, 1861, the Confederates attempt to seize Fort Sumter, in South Carolina. Major Robert Anderson of the Union refused to surrender. The Confederate troops proceeded to shell Fort Sumter. Anderson ran out of ammunition and was forced to abandon the fort. The war had begun. ..

The war officially begins with the attack on Fort Sumter



20 Video! Fort Sumter

21 North v. South

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