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How many different types of jobs are there in the world?

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Presentation on theme: "How many different types of jobs are there in the world?"— Presentation transcript:


2 How many different types of jobs are there in the world?

3 What are the duties and responsibilities of them?

4 Let's play a game!

5 professor

6 nurse journalist model gardener mathematician

7 barber interpreter musician computer programmer accountant

8 policeman basketball player photographer scientist firefighter




12 Listen to part 1 of the tape and answer the questions.
Listening Listen to part 1 of the tape and answer the questions. 1. What type of job does Sally want to do? She wants to be a primary school teacher. 2. What job do Diana’s parents want her to do? Her parents want her to be an accountant (as they both are).

13 2. When can James meet the careers adviser?
part 2 1. Why is James calling? 2. When can James meet the careers adviser? Because he wants some help choosing a career. At 3 o'clock or 4:30 on Tuesday afternoon.

14 Listen to Part 3 of the tape and choose the best answers.
1. James found out about the Careers Advice Service from_________________. A A. the school notice board B. the computer C. the career adviser 2. James enjoys ________. C A. filling in questionnaires B. making time pass quickly C. solving problems 3. The careers adviser thinks James can find a job where he _________. B A. plays computer games B. makes quick decisions C. makes suggestions

15 Speaking Here is part of the questionnaire the careers adviser gave James. 1. What five things are you good at doing? Why? 2. What five things are you not very good at? Why not? 3. What do you most enjoy doing? Why do you enjoy it? 4. What do you expect to be doing in five years’ time?

16 Task Please make a conversation with your partner. Imagine that you will graduate from the university soon and you are going to a career adviser for some advice. Here are some expressions for reference.

17 More questions a career adviser may ask
Words to express personal qualities How would your friends or classmates describe you? Describe your ideal career . What salary would you expect for your job? What are your key skills? Tell me about a major accomplishment. What do you reasonably expect to earn within five years? Tell me about an activity you've remained interested in over several years. excellent ability of management ability to work independent1y a stable personality and high sense of responsibility ambitious attitude good communication skills willing to work under pressure energetic,fashion-minded with a pleasant attitude strong determination to succeed strong leadership skills a reliable person Be highly organized and efficient. good presentation skills willing to learn and progress

18 Height:           189cm  Weight:           74kg  Health:           Excellent  Education School: East China Normal University Advantages: like being clean, carefulness, kindness, playing computer games, running, playing table tennis Disadvantages: dislike going to school Favourite hobby: karaoke

19 Finding Jobs Choosing jobs

20 Look to the future.

21 HOMEWORK Try to write a brief profile about yourself.

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