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Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells

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1 Organelles of Eukaryotic Cells
You MUST write the turquoise notes for structure and yellow notes for function. Feel free to copy any of the others for more complete details.

2 Cell Membrane Protective barrier that surrounds the cell
Made up of a phospholipid bilayer = “water loving” head = “water fearing” tail

3 Cell Membrane Selects what can enter and exit the cell, such as nutrients, oxygen, and waste Diffusion: movement of substances across a membrane from high concentration to low concentration until equilibrium is reached ----- Meeting Notes (9/22/15 09:43) -----

4 Let’s Watch a Brain Pop on Diffusion

5 Think about the molecules of air freshener in the room.
Where is the concentration the highest? The lowest? What direction did they travel? What might affect how fast they travel?

6 Cell Membrane Function
Passive transport: movement of substances across a membrane through protein tunnels Does NOT require energy Active transport: DOES require energy

7 Let’s Watch Brain Pops on Passive and Active Transport

8 Cell Wall Function: Support and strength to stand tall against gravity
Structure: Not in animal cells Surrounds the cell membrane Rigid, somewhat rectangular, has pores Often made of cellulose Function: Support and strength to stand tall against gravity

9 Cytoskeleton Structure: Web of proteins Organelles attached to it
Different cells have different shapes Function: Gives cell shape & organelles move through it

10 Nucleus Structure: Contains DNA Surrounded by TWO membranes with pores
Contains the nucleolus Function: Control center Directs all cellular activities

11 Nucleolus Structure: Dark area inside the nucleus Function:
Assembles ribosomes

12 Vacuoles Function in plants: Store water, food, salts
Structure: Sac Large in plants Several small ones in animals Function in plants: Store water, food, salts Supports plant leaves when full

13 Mitochondria Structure: Bean-shaped
Has 2 membranes, inner one is folded Contains DNA that only comes from mom Function: CELLULAR RESPIRATION!! “powerhouses of the cell” because they break down food into ATP (packet of energy)

14 DNA Structure: Double helix Looks like a spiral staircase
Made up of 4 bases: A, T, G, C A always pairs with T G always pairs with C Function: Instructions for life Including the way organisms look and behave Including how to makes proteins in a cell, how to build cells, etc, etc

15 Ribosomes Structure: Small, round balls Smallest organelle
Found on rough ER & floating in cytoplasm Function: DNA sends a copy of instructions out of the nucleus to ribosomes They use instructions to make proteins out of amino acids. VERY IMPORTANT JOB! All cells need proteins to live

16 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Structure
Looks like a thick ribbon folded up It actually is a stack of flattened membranes Rough ER = dotted with ribosomes Smooth ER = no

17 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Function
Delivery system of cell After proteins leave ribosome, go to ER and are changed slightly with chemical reactions & moved to next stop in cell Also makes lipids (fats)

18 Golgi Complex Structure: Flat stack of pancakes
vesicle Structure: Flat stack of pancakes Vesicles, or small sacs, release from it Function: Puts the finishing touches on proteins Packs proteins up in vesicles and sends them around the cell for use, “post office”

19 Lysosomes Structure: Mostly in animal cells Small sacs
Full of digestive proteins (enzymes) Function: Digestive enzymes break down damaged, worn out organelles Gets rid of waste, sends it out in vesicles Removes invaders that shouldn’t be in cell

20 Chloroplasts Function: Structure: In plants & some algae
Green because they have a pigment called chlorophyll Have 2 membranes Contain DNA Have stacks called thylakoids that take in light for photosynthesis Function: PHOTOSYNTHESIS!! They use energy from sunlight, CO2 and water to produce carbohydrates

21 This presentation is available on my website, www. curleyscience
This presentation is available on my website, if you missed anything, want to review, or see the pictures in more detail.

22 Cell Membrane Hydrophilic = Hydrophobic =

23 Cell Membrane ----- Meeting Notes (9/22/15 09:43) -----

24 Cell Membrane Function
Passive transport: Active transport:

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