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Muharram Al Huda Institute.

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1 Muharram Al Huda Institute

2 Literal meaning: Forbidden, sacred & worthy of reverence
Its one of the 4 sacred months (Dhul Qaadah, Dhul Hijaah, Muharram, & Rajab) Even before Islam, these months were considered sacred by pagans; forbidden to wage war First month of the Islamic Hijri Calendar What is Muharram?

3 This New Year has begun with new motivation and opportunities
Reflect on last year and plan on leading more purposeful lives Strengthen your relationship with Allah SWT Worship better with renewed intentions Family ties, especially honoring the parents Learning and self-development Volunteering and social/humanitarian work Junaid Baghdadi said: Assess each moment of life by evaluating how close you’ve come to Allah SWT, how far you’ve distanced yourself from Shaitaan, how close you’ve come to Jannah and how far you’ve moved away from Jahannam. Compare to New Year of other cultures; theirs starts with fireworks and countdown to midnight and new years parties Our New Year

4 What happened in Muharram?
Several Historical Events: Allah SWT gave victory to Musa A.S. and Bani Israel over Pharoah Episode of the “Year of the Elephants” took place this month Hussain R.A. and his family members martyred in the plain of Karbala What happened in Muharram?

5 What should we do? Fasting
Fast on the Day of Ashura (10th of Muharram) The hadith of Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Jews used to fast on this day because Musa A.S. freed their people from Pharoah but as Muslims we respect Musa A.S. even more! (Muslim) In another hadith: Prophet SAW said: Fasting on Ashura is an expiation for the sins of the past year (Muslim) Fast also on the 9th or 11th! Why Fast in Muharram: In a hadith, in sahi Muslim, we learn: The most excellent fast after Ramadan is in Allah’s month, Muharram Keeping a fast one day before (9th) or one day after (11th) is highly recommended so as to be different from the customs of the Jewish people What should we do? Fasting

6 In Surah Tawbah (Ayah 36) we learn: Do not wrong yourselves in these months (Dhulm)
Excel in righteous deeds; perform additional acts of worship Avoid displeasing Allah SWT Not indulging in sins or innovations (very common in this month) Fighting is prohibited and peace is guaranteed Avoid quarrels, arguments; hurting other’s feelings Respect life, wealth and honor of others Let go of grudges and spread peace and friendship with your words and actions  The word dhulm is used in this ayah; inshAllah we will learn the literal and technical meanings of this word later on in class, but for now you should remember that it means injustice, to oneself, towards Allah SWT and towards other people; the biggest dhulm you can do is sinning against yourself In this month we are not allowed to fight, therefore, it’s a month of peace; our deen is so beautiful that our new year starts with the message of peace Letting go of grudges, especially for sisters, with siblings, parents and friends, make up with these people; also hurting people’s feelings; watch the tone of your voice, maybe its just rolling eyes or saying a sarcastic remark. Not Harming Others

7 - Being a better person than you were last year…
1. Read a book on seerah, understand it and implement it 2. Memorize a couple of duas, understand them and make them after salah 3. Understand and memorize some portion of the Qu’ran Alhamdulillah, for points 2 and 3, you are coming here regularly then inshAllah you will have learned many new things by next Muharram or next year, and inshAllah will have a closer relationship with Allah SWT 3 Things that You can Do…

8 Jazakhillah khair 

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