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Do Now For what reasons do people go exploring? What do they hope to gain by finding something new?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now For what reasons do people go exploring? What do they hope to gain by finding something new?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now For what reasons do people go exploring? What do they hope to gain by finding something new?

2 Warm Up Why do people go exploring? Page 17 – Unit 3 Exploration
Page 18 – Table of Contents Page 19 – Unit 3 Vocab Page 20 – Exploration of the Americas Page 21 – 3G’s Worksheet Page 22 – Columbus Article

3 Exploration of the America’s
Why did the Spanish sail to the New World?

4 Exploration by Spain The Reconquista – 711 to 1492!
The Moors – Islamic people from North Africa The Christians The Reconquest of Spain – 800 year struggle to take Spain from the Moors

5 Years 711 - 1492 711 1492 The Moors gain control of Spain 781 years
The Reconquista ends when Moors are forced out of Spain Spain wants to return to its former glory! Begin exploration!

6 3 G’s Gold – Some came for wealth/money
Glory – Some came for power and fame God – Some came for religion

7 Warm Up What is the Explorer Alonso Alvarez de Pineda remembered for? (What did he do?)

8 Warm Up If you could explore any land (or world, planet, dimension (real or fictional), where would you go exploring and why? Page 27 – Explorer Notes

9 Explorers to the New World
What was the Spanish Explorers purpose for coming to the New World and why was it a failure?

10 Christopher Columbus 1492 Shorter route to Asia (more profits)
Lands in Bahamas “Indians”

11 Alvarez de Pineda 1519 Made a map of Texas Coastline.

12 Cortes and the Aztecs 1519 Aztecs call themselves ‘Mexica’.
Horses, armor, killing machines. Tenochtitlan – the golden city. Cortes – not a god! City destroyed. Birth of Mexico City.

13 Cabeza de Vaca Survivor of Narvaez Expedition
Estevanico – the Moorish slave Galveston Island Became a ‘shaman’ His book ‘Relacion’ Told of people, land, vegetation of Texas Hints of the fabled 7 Cities of Gold.

14 C de V, Marcos de Niza & Estevanico’s Expedition
Marcos de Niza – Priest claimes to see a golden city Estevanico – Enslaved Moor Searched for the 7 cities of gold - Cibola Cibola=pueblo homes

15 Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
1540 Conquistador – 1000 soldiers Search for/Conquer Cibola Treats the natives badly. No Gold, Silver, or jewels. Crossed the Palo Duro Canyon and Llano Estacado.

16 Moscoso 1542 Goal – Reach Mexico by land Visits Caddos
Tay-yas!! No Gold, silver, or jewels. They find Petroleum - Oil ‘Nothing here…leave Texas alone’ for 142 years – no interest in TX.

17 Spain pulls back from Texas
Spain spent lots of money, time and effort looking for treasure Learned about land and people Considered Texas to be worthless

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