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Analyze examples where scientific understanding was enhanced or revised as a result of the invention of a technology and specifically describe techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyze examples where scientific understanding was enhanced or revised as a result of the invention of a technology and specifically describe techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyze examples where scientific understanding was enhanced or revised as a result of the invention of a technology and specifically describe techniques used to monitor various stages of embryonic or fetal development. P. 510, Include: Ultrasound Amniocentesis Fetoscopy CVS (chorionic villi sampling)

2 Ultrasound P. 510 High Frequency sound waves sent into the woman’s abdomen Sound waves bounce back at different speeds due to density of tissue Bounced waves are captured and form an image of the fetus

3 Ultrasound P. 510 Allows doctors to see physical structures and abnormalities

4 Amniocentesis p

5 Amniocentesis p Needle through abdomen into amniotic sac. Fluid containing cells is withdrawn. Cells used for karyotyping. Ultrasound done first to locate fetus. Can not be performed before 14 weeks.

6 Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS) p. 607 608
Cells removed from Chorion Chorion is composed of fetus cells. Cells used for karyotyping. Can not be performed before 9 weeks.

7 Fetoscopy P

8 Fetoscopy P Small incision in mother’s abdomen allows the insertion of an endoscope. Allows procedures on the fetus safely. Examples, removing excess fluid from the brain, fetal blood transfusion, collect fetal blood samples for karyotyping, ,

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