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Rex Mangiaracina & Erica Moody University Supervisors / NCIS Liaisons

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Presentation on theme: "Rex Mangiaracina & Erica Moody University Supervisors / NCIS Liaisons"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rex Mangiaracina & Erica Moody University Supervisors / NCIS Liaisons
Cooperating/Mentor Teachers: Characteristics, Training, & Ultimate Success Rex Mangiaracina & Erica Moody University Supervisors / NCIS Liaisons

2 What does research say about effective teacher mentoring?
The Cooperating [Mentor] Teacher plays a critical role in what is believed to be the most important component of a teacher training program: the internship (Ferber & Nillas, 2010; Turunen & Tuovila, 2012). Ferber and Nillas (2010) identified the Cooperating [Mentor] Teacher as one of the main factors that determine the effectiveness of the student teaching experience...Research has shown that teacher candidates often emulate the instructional strategies modeled by their Cooperating [Mentor] Teacher (Kissau, 2014).

3 The Many Roles of a Mentor Teacher
The Big Dog Gentle Patient Caring Friendly

4 The Many Roles of a Mentor Teacher
The Coach Emphatic Challenging Demanding Direct

5 The Many Roles of a Mentor Teacher
The Great Communicator Charismatic Inspirational Hopeful Communicative

6 The Many Roles of a Mentor Teacher
The Role Model Real Relevant Present Mentor

7 The Many Roles of a Mentor Teacher
The Cheerleader Upbeat Fun Humorous Smile

8 Essential Characteristics of Mentor Teachers
Effective Mentor Teachers will always be... Clear / Consistent / Concise (3 C’s) Real / Reliable / Resourceful (3 R’s) Prompt / Professional / Prideful of Profession (3 P’s) Always consider the ‘Not knowing vs. Neglect’ Phenomenon THE biggest problem preventer/solver…COMMUNICATION

9 Mentor Teacher Expectations
Accept an active role in preparing the teacher candidate Acknowledge that candidates are LEARNING Take time to reflect with the candidate about his/her performance Document progress/concerns as needed Communicate hope and optimism about their career choice to your teacher candidate

10 NCIS Liaisons & Mentor Teachers: How do they Co-Exist?
University Supervisor (US) Both Summative and Formative observer who offers feedback/suggestions Does at least 4 Formal Observations Conferences with Student Teacher (ST) and CT to discuss ongoing process Communicates requirements of STs and makes sure the path is followed and journey is completed Mentor/Cooperating Teacher (CT) Actively engaged in the development of the candidate Provide frequent, meaningful/honest feedback Does at least 4 Formal Observations with feedback prior to US visit Alerts US to any issues that might impede the progress of the ST Assists US in determining readiness of ST for the classroom and licensure

11 How are Cooperating Teachers Selected?
The Office of Field Experiences collaborates with school administrators to select the CTs who work with our candidates. CTs are selected using the following criteria:  1. Professional Level II or Continuing licensure in the appropriate subject and grade levels 2. Three or more years of successful teaching experience in the appropriate subject and grade levels 3. Professional preparation that included a student teaching experience 4. Full-time teaching responsibilities in the area of the candidate's licensure 5. Effective instructional, management, communication, and interpersonal skills 6. Effective mentoring and supervision skills 7. Advanced coursework or a Master's degree in the appropriate field is preferred: (required for graduate interns in Special Education.) 8. Demonstrated professionalism and on-going professional growth, such as intensive professional development, graduate level coursework, or National Board Certification 9. Endorsement by the principal as a good role model for teaching 10. Willingness to serve as a cooperating teacher

12 Recruiting P-12 Partners
We want to recruit CTs that are… -Experienced and willing to learn about UNC Charlotte Student Teaching Processes including edTPA and requirements -Willing to work with your respective school and UNC Charlotte to set up meaningful clinical experiences and student teaching internships Benefits of serving as a CT… -Increased engagement with teacher preparation programs -Earn creditable service/leadership that could be noted on your year-end evaluation -STs can serve as tutors, proctors, mentors to students…an extra set of hands -Fosters reflection on your practices, push for continuous improvement

13 Recruiting P-12 Partners
How can my school increase involvement with preservice teachers through student teaching and/or clinical experiences? -Communicate with your school’s administration to discuss hosting clinical students/student teachers -School administrators should reach out to Cato College of Education, Office of Field Experiences, Website:, Phone:

14 Thank You! Thank you for attending and showing an interest in this important method of giving back to the teaching profession!

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