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HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY DESIGN 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200

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Presentation on theme: "HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY DESIGN 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200"— Presentation transcript:

1 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY DESIGN 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 What is the primary function of the circulatory system?

3 To pump blood throughout the body so that cells can get the oxygen and nutrients they need. The circulating blood also carries metabolic waste away from cells so that they can be disposed of.

4 What are the major components of the circulatory system?

5 -Heart -Arteries -Veins -Capillaries -Blood

6 Pick another organ system and explain its interaction with the circulatory system.

7 Respiratory: This provides the mechanism for gas exchange with the environment. The circulated blood is oxygenated because the lungs can absorb this gas from the atmosphere. They also expel CO2 from the body. Digestive: The nutrients absorbed by this system are circulated in the blood. Nutrients are also necessary to maintain the cells of this system. Nervous: The impulses from this system control the heart. These cells need oxygen, nutrients, and wastes removed as well.

8 Explain the difference between arteries and veins.
*What’s the exception?

9 Veins: To the heart…carry deoxygenated blood
Arteries: Away from the heart…carry oxygenated blood *Pulmonary artery and vein…they’re the opposite.

10 What are the components of blood?

11 Plasma-liquids w/ dissolved salts, sugars, and proteins
*Plasma-liquids w/ dissolved salts, sugars, and proteins *Red Blood Cells-have hemoglobin to carry O2 *Platelets-pieces of larger cells that (together with other proteins) help blood to clot. *White Blood Cells-an integral part of the immune system.

12 What is the major function of the respiratory system?

13 Gas exchange with the environment… O2 in CO2 out

14 What are the major components of the respiratory system?

15 -Mouth/Nose -Pharynx/Larynx -Trachea -Bronchi -Alveoli

16 What muscle facilitates breathing?

17 The Diaphragm

18 Why is the oxygen that is taken in by the respiratory system important for humans?

19 Oxygen is a reactant in the process of cellular respiration
Oxygen is a reactant in the process of cellular respiration. This produces ATP!

20 What are the needs of cells?

21 1. Oxygen 2. Nutrients 3. Waste Removal

22 What’s the primary function of the digestive system?

23 It breaks down food (mechanically and chemically), extracts the nutrients, and facilitates their absorption.

24 Does food go through the gallbladder, pancreas, and liver?

25 No. They are supporting organs
No! They are supporting organs! They supply the digestive chemicals needs to break down the food into nutrients.

26 What do the gallbladder, pancreas, and liver actually do?

27 Gallbladder: Stores bile from the liver, which aids in the digestion of lipids
Liver: Produces bile. It does other stuff too…detoxifies blood, synthesizes (makes) blood proteins, stores glucose as glycogen, and makes urea. Pancreas: Produces insulin and glucogon, which regulate blood sugar levels. Also bicarbonate to neutralize acids from the stomach.

28 What is the difference between a reflex and a reaction?

29 Reaction-thought involved: Sensory neuron>brain>motor neuron>voluntary Reflex-no thought involved: Sensory neuron>motor neuron>brain>involuntary

30 What is the path of food through the digestive system?

31 Mouth Esophagus Stomach Duodenum Small Intestine Large Intestine Anus

32 What is the central nervous system?

33 The brain and the spinal cord

34 Are there other parts of the nervous system besides the central part?

35 The peripheral nervous system. This consists of your nerves.
Yes! The peripheral nervous system. This consists of your nerves. Your nerves send signals from the body to your central nervous system.

36 What is the difference between the autonomic and somatic nervous systems?

37 Autonomic nervous system controls involuntary functions of your body
Autonomic nervous system controls involuntary functions of your body. Whether that is heart rate, controlling glands, etc. Somatic nervous system controls voluntary functions. Such as reactions.

38 What is the function of the heart?

39 Pump blood throughout your body
Pump blood throughout your body! Your blood carries nutrients to your cells and wastes away from them. Without your heart, this wouldn’t happen!

40 What is the relationship among the nervous system and the other systems?

41 The nervous system controls all of the systems in the body
The nervous system controls all of the systems in the body. Being made of cells, it needs the oxygen, nutrients, waste removal, and protection that these other systems provide.

42 Cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems all come together to form what?

43 An Organism

44 What do these parts of the brain do? Cerebellum Cerebrum Brain Stem

45 Coordination & Movement
Thought & Memory Coordination & Movement Control heartrate, breathing, blood pressure, and many reflexes.

46 What are the parts of the urinary part of the excretory system?

47 -Kidneys (contain nephrons that filter the blood (a lot of metabolic byproducts from protein metabolism). Urine is produced (urea + water) then… -Urine travels through the Ureter-from the kidneys to the… Bladder: Stores urine. Urethra…out it goes

48 What are two types of circulation?

49 Pulmonary: Heart to lungs and back to heart.
Systemic: Heart to everywhere and back to heart.

50 How many chambers does the human heart have? Names?

51 Four Right and Left Atria (top) Right and Left Ventricles (bottom)

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