The Multisensor Camera

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Presentation on theme: "The Multisensor Camera"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Multisensor Camera
A New Camera Design Capable of Capturing High Dynamic Range Images

2 Traditional Camera with Beam Splitter
Lens Scene CCD Sensor #1 Traditional Beam Splitters Make a Single Copy of an Image, However They are Too Large To Make Multiple Copies in the Small Space Between the Lens and the Sensor CCD Sensor #2 Beam Splitters also Refract Light due Their Thick Glass Causing Aberrations

3 Novel Beam Splitting Apparatus
The Multisensor Camera Splits Image Into Three Identical Copies Without Aberration CCD Sensor #1 Novel Beam Splitter* and Lens Design Scene CCD Sensor #2 *Under Patent Application Special Design Allows Light to be Split From One to as Many Times as Desired, in the Same Amount of Space CCD Sensor #3

4 Simultaneous Capture of Multiple Images
CCD Sensor Settings are Adjusted to Capture the Same Scene at Different Exposure Settings Novel Beam Splitter and Lens Design Parking Lot Scene

5 Intensity Space Mosiacing
Pixels are Selected From Images Containing Suitable Intensity Values These Pixels are Used to Compose the High Dynamic Range Image

6 Moving Objects and Video
Because the Images are Taken Simultaneously Moving Objects are Not a Problem Novel Beam Splitter And Lens Design Scene This Also Enables the Technology to Create High Dynamic Range Video

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