Metronet Information Literacy Initiative

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Presentation on theme: "Metronet Information Literacy Initiative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Metronet Information Literacy Initiative
An Introduction August 2008

2 Metronet Multicounty multitype library system One of 7 in Minnesota
Serve libraries of all types with continuing education, networking, and special projects Metronet Board is committed to the cause of Information Literacy & teaching the skills needed for lifelong learning

3 Libraries & Librarians Vital for research at all levels
Information experts Access to resources Ability to connect people & resources Ability to connect information & technology

4 MILI Collaboration between Metronet and selected metro area school districts Professional development for teachers & LMS How to integrate the Information & Technology Literacy Standards into classroom teaching Encourage more collaboration between LMS & teachers around the research process

5 MILI’s Purpose Influence the teaching of the research process
Increase teacher/LMS awareness and use of Web 2.0 tools useful in the classroom Encourage teachers/LMS to incorporate the 3 Rs into teaching

6 How? By focusing on

7 Information Literacy The ability to solve problems & answer questions using information & technology An understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information

8 Why?

9 Students are Content Creators
They need traditional & new skills Using new & traditional media To prepare for post-secondary ed and for the global society & economy they face

10 As teachers & LMS Develop research projects that encourage 21st Century Learning skills & promote Information Literacy Guide the research process Teach reliable resources Set the standard for responsible use

11 Two Reasons to Teach Research
Push back the bounds of knowledge and then demonstrate knowledge gained To learn how to do research--the research process--how to define the question and then gather, evaluate & apply the information

12 MILI Focus On the process On the resources
On the tools that make it happen

13 Research Process Reliable Resources Responsible Use The MILI 3 Rs

14 Research Improve the ability of students & teachers to conduct effective research by using a process that includes 5 steps: Question Gather & Evaluate information Conclude Communicate information & conclusion Evaluate process & product

15 Reliable Resources Identify & use available, reliable resources
“Format agnostic”--the format of the information is not the point Evaluate all print, electronic, online, & human resources for authenticity & accuracy Resource is appropriate in the context of this research

16 Responsible Use Promote the understanding & practice of the responsible use of information & technology Advise & assist teachers in the creation of plagarisim-proof assignments Provide resources for teaching responsible use including copyright, Creative Commons, technology use

17 What will we do Focus on your research project to incorporate the 5 steps Learn Web 2.0 tools that work in classrooms and school buildings for collaboration, communication, & creation Share what we know & what we learn

18 Your Responsibilities
Attend all meetings--arrive on time and stay throughout The 23 Things Maintain your blog Be responsible for your learning Share your knowledge Make suggestions--tools, topics…

19 Metronet will Design & conduct orientation + 10 after school meetings
Newsletter & Wiki Food! (You provide beverage) Stipend

20 Minneapolis Public Schools
Manage credits for CE, Q-Comp, etc. Monitor attendance & compliance for participation Provide tech support for equipment

21 Why Classroom 2.0? Encourage collaboration and engagement to involve every student in something that is personally engaging Involves the students in a very proactive learning environment Wider opportunities for professional development & connections for teachers

22 What is Web 2.0/Classroom 2.0 Read/Write Web Interactive Web
User-generated content Sharing--content, expertise Global connections Image: 'Earth Squircle'

23 Sites and tools that let us
Explore Customize Collaborate Share Communicate Web 2.0 in a whole new^ way!

24 Characteristics of Web 2.0 Tools
Not tied to a device--Internet access needed Portability--available from any device No software--but Web plug-ins No programming OS not an issue usually Consumer as creator Perpetual Beta Image: '2007 Web Trend Map'

25 Really, it’s all about us! Students, librarians, & teachers
Image: 'flickr contacts - January 9, 2005 {notes}'

26 As communicators 'hello?'

27 As Collaborators Image: 'what are word for'

28 As Creators

29 As commentators

30 Image: 'everyones a critic' www. flickr
Image: 'everyones a critic'

31 As Collectors Image: 'Model T?'

32 As Contributors

33 As Community Members Image: 'world'

34 MILI will help you

35 Become the creators, the collaborators, the critics, and consumers that make Classroom 2.0 authentic & valuable for you and your students!

36 Which brings us back to Information Literacy www. flickr
Which brings us back to Information Literacy

37 We must teach students how to use the 2.0 Tools
To solve problems To find and evaluate information To present their conclusions While using the tools responsibly

38 So, when faced with this, what do we need to participate and create?

39 Contact Ann Walker Smalley, Director, Metronet, St. Paul
Karen Eidem, Project Manager, Metronet, St. Paul Diane Wallace-Reid, IT Services, Minneapolis Public Schools Jean Doolittle, IT Services,Minneapolis Public Schools

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