Keep everything, leave nothing

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Presentation on theme: "Keep everything, leave nothing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keep everything, leave nothing
SMARTPHONES Keep everything, leave nothing

2 I think it’s a very important invent because people is always in touch and you can bring it wherever you want.

3 You can surf the internet in your smartphone.

4 There’s an app which you can use to send free text messages to your contacts.

5 You can buy apps in the stores. There’re different ones:
Market (Android) BlackBerry App World App Store (Apple)

6 You can buy many different apps
You can buy many different apps. Some of them are games and others aren’t games but they’re very interesting. iPhone 4s playing cinemagram Samsung Galaxi S2 playing a cars’ game

7 Knowing the lastest news about weather, sports... is also very important.

8 There’re different ways to talk to someone and they’re free if you have internet.
Skype Viber, phone calls and text messages FaceTime (only for Apple)

9 Keep everything, leave nothing
SMARTPHONES Keep everything, leave nothing By: Diego Gavilán Gómez

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