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Hi, we are from Opava in Czech republic

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1 Hi, we are from Opava in Czech republic

2 Honza Hi, my name is Honza Celta. I am from Opava, Czech Republic, and I am 16. I study at a Business Academy in Opava which is a school with many fields of study. I study information technology and I am in the first grade so I have a lot to learn. I have been interested in computers since I was a child so I chose to study it. I have no brothers or sisters and I live in a semi-detached house with my grandparents next door. My hobbies are computers, computer games, basketball and riding a bike. I play basketball with my friends in a near courtyard and watch basketball on TV and sometimes I go watch it live.

3 Name: KAROLÍNA Age: 16 High school: Business Academy and Secondary school of logistics Field of study: service and economy of transport What I like doing: - listening to trance music - taking photos - meeting with friends

4 Field of study: Logistics and Financial Services
Name: ANDREA Age: 17 Field of study: Logistics and Financial Services High school: Business Academy and Secondary school of logistics Opava What I like doing: - playing the piano - playing the guitar - singing, cooking, drawing …

5 Jirka

6 Studenti vyplnili dotazníky na téma Evropské státy – ZEUS
Odpovědělo 250 studentů, z toho 142 děvčat a 108 chlapců

7 I am a student…

8 Does our school take part in European projects ?

9 Would you like to participate in European projects with teachers and students from other countries?

10 Do you think that our school tries to engage in European projects?

11 Do you think it is important to teach and explain affairs in our country in connection with European processes and events?

12 Do you think that we talk and learn enough about Europe at school?

13 Do you think that our school is European enough (we learn enough about Europe)?

14 Have you ever noticed any European symbols in your school?

15 Do students learn to know EU during school lessons?

16 Is it important for students to learn to know the culture of other European countries?

17 Which symbols of European countries and information about them would you like to find in your school and where should they be placed? flags, basic information and notice boards They should be placed: in school corridors at school entrance on notice boards in the schoolyard

18 Which subjects are the most suitable for learning about Europe?
Geography 59,88 % Languages 34,02 % Economy 15,42 % Others 17,28 %

19 If the school organized days of Europe, which country would you like to be presented?
Great Britain France The Czech Republic Germany

20 How can students learn more about Europe? What do you think?
Trips Exchange stays Projects Lectures 37 %

21 What do you miss in your school that could improve your and your teachers‘ knowledge about Europe?
Notice boards Information Teaching aids Educational literature



24 Thank you for your atention

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