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Drama Jeopardy Terms Literary Elements

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Presentation on theme: "Drama Jeopardy Terms Literary Elements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drama Jeopardy 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 Terms Literary Elements
Technical Performance Legends Tall Tales Native American 200 400 600 800 1000 2000

2 Native American for 200 NIDIAN#3. Answer

3 Answer What is INDIAN?#1. Double Jeopardy

4 Native American for 400 EASAWECJ#5. Answer

5 Answer What is SACJEWEA?#1. Double Jeopardy

6 Native American for 600 NCMAAEIR EAITNV#7. Answer

7 Answer What is Native American?#1. Double Jeopardy

8 Native American for 800 SLAYP ERA ELVI#9. Answer

9 Answer What is Plays Are Evil?#1. Double Jeopardy

10 Native American for 1000 Smcirtahs lypas#11. Answer

11 Answer What is Christmas Plays?#1. Double Jeopardy

12 Native American for 2000 Gliratevn yplas#13. Answer

13 Answer What is Traveling Plays?#1. Double Jeopardy

14 Tall Tales for 200 Babe the Blue OX#3. Answer

15 Answer Who is Paul Bunyan?#1. Double Jeopardy

16 Tall Tales for 400 These Tales are usually about a character named “Jack”.#5. Answer

17 Answer What are “The Jack Tales”?#1. Double Jeopardy

18 Tall Tales for 600 In this Tall Tale, Jack plants some beans and they grow to the sky.#7. Answer

19 Answer What is “Jack and the Beanstalk”?#1. Double Jeopardy

20 Tall Tales for 800 Jack finds a Giant when he climbs this.#9. Answer

21 Answer What is a Beanstalk?#1. Double Jeopardy

22 Tall Tales for 1000 This person lived in a Shoe.#11. Answer

23 Answer What is Little Old Lady?#1. Double Jeopardy

24 Tall Tales for 2000 Jack chops down the Beanstalk to do this.#13. Answer

25 Answer What is stop the Giant from coming down the Beanstalk?#1. Double Jeopardy

26 Legends for 200 He lassoed a comet.#3. Answer

27 Answer Who is Davy Crockett?#1. Double Jeopardy

28 Legends for 400 a story coming down from the past ; especially : one popularly regarded as historical although not verifiable #5. Answer

29 Answer What is a Legend?#1. Double Jeopardy

30 Legends for 600 A story South American story about a Spider.#7. Answer

31 Answer What is Ananzi?#1. Double Jeopardy

32 Legends for 800 Legends that are about a character(s) playing tricks on other character(s)#9. Answer

33 Answer What are Trickster Legends?#1. Double Jeopardy

34 Legends for 1000 True or False—Legends are always the truth.#11. Answer

35 Answer What is False?#1. Double Jeopardy

36 Legends for 2000 True or False. Legends are handed down from generation to generation usually verbally. #13. Answer

37 Answer What isTrue?#1. Double Jeopardy

38 Performance Elements for 200
This Performance Element means to Communicate without words. #3. Answer

39 Answer What is Nonverbal Expression? #1. Double Jeopardy

40 Performance Elements for 400
This Performance Elements is known as Acting—be careful. #5. Answer

41 Answer What is ACTING?#1. Double Jeopardy

42 Performance Elements for 600
This Performance Element is the way a person speaks, including accents, how fast he/she speaks and whether the voice is a monotone, etc.#7. Answer

43 Answer What is SPEAKING?#1. Double Jeopardy

44 Performance Elements for 800
The elements the actors use to “develop” their character.#9. Answer

45 Answer What are Performance Elements?#1. Double Jeopardy

46 Performance Elements for 1000
These elements make the viewers believe the character is the real person.#11. Answer

47 Answer What are Acting, Nonverbal Expression, and Speaking?#1. Double Jeopardy

48 Performance Elements for 2000
This is when a person pretends to be another person. #13. Answer

49 Answer What is ACTING?#1. Double Jeopardy

50 Technical Elements for 200
It is the Technical Element that is clothing and other items that actors wear on stage to portray a character or period.#3. Answer

51 Answer What is Costumes?#1. Double Jeopardy

52 Technical Elements for 400
The elements which make the experience of going to see a play rewarding. #5. Answer

53 Answer What is Technical Elements?#1. Double Jeopardy

54 Technical Elements for 600
This Technical Element helps st the mood, place, and the characters #7. Answer

55 Answer What is Music?#1. Double Jeopardy

56 Technical Elements for 800
This Technical Element effects an audience hears during a performance to communicate character, context, or environment. #9. Answer

57 Answer What is Sound?#1. Double Jeopardy

58 Technical Elements for 1000
This Technical Element is also known as Set.#11. Answer

59 Answer What is the Scenery?#1. Double Jeopardy

60 Technical Elements for 2000
This Technical Element is short for “properties”#13. Answer

61 Answer What are Props?#1. Double Jeopardy

62 This is a Struggle between actors/characters#3. Answer
Terms for 200 This is a Struggle between actors/characters#3. Answer

63 What is CONFLICT?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What is CONFLICT?#1. Double Jeopardy

64 Another name for Plot. #5. Answer.
Terms for 400 Another name for Plot. #5. Answer.

65 What is Storyline?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What is Storyline?#1. Double Jeopardy

66 This is a long speech made by one person. #7. Answer
Terms for 600 This is a long speech made by one person. #7. Answer

67 What is Monologue?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What is Monologue?#1. Double Jeopardy

68 Terms for 800 The written dialogue, description, and directions provided by the playwright. #9. Answer

69 What is the Script?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What is the Script?#1. Double Jeopardy

70 This includes: makeup, wigs, clothing, and masks. #11. Answer
Terms for 1000 This includes: makeup, wigs, clothing, and masks. #11. Answer

71 What is Costumes?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What is Costumes?#1. Double Jeopardy

72 Terms for 2000 This includes: facial expressions, gestures, and body language. #13. Answer

73 What is Nonverbal Expression?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What is Nonverbal Expression?#1. Double Jeopardy

74 The dramatic performances as stories.#15. Answer
Literary Elements for 200 The dramatic performances as stories.#15. Answer

75 What is Literary Elements?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What is Literary Elements?#1. Double Jeopardy

76 The Literary Element that has the main events of the story.#17. Answer
Literary Elements for 400 The Literary Element that has the main events of the story.#17. Answer

77 What is the Storyline (Plot)?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What is the Storyline (Plot)?#1. Double Jeopardy

78 Literary Elements for 600 The Literary Element that tells Where and When the story/play takes place (Time & Place)#19. Answer

79 What is the Setting?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What is the Setting?#1. Double Jeopardy

80 Literary Elements for 800 This Literary Element includes: Beginning, Rising Action, Middle(Climax), Falling Action & the End.#21. Answer

81 What is the Story Organization?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What is the Story Organization?#1. Double Jeopardy

82 Making Better Decisions for 1000
The two Literary Elements that have to do with the speech or conversation during a play.#23. Answer

83 What are Monologue and Dialogue?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What are Monologue and Dialogue?#1. Double Jeopardy

84 Literary Elements for 2000 The 3 Literary Elements that have not been mention in 200 through #25. Answer

85 What are Character, Conflict, and Script?#1. Double Jeopardy
Answer What are Character, Conflict, and Script?#1. Double Jeopardy

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