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Please clear your area ~ put away your materials except for writing and highlighting utensils. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship.

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Presentation on theme: "Please clear your area ~ put away your materials except for writing and highlighting utensils. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please clear your area ~ put away your materials except for writing and highlighting utensils.
Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

2 Please look at the table at the top of the activity sheet
Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

3 As I read the definition of each LEVEL of government, highlight any words you think are important
Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

4 Draw – illustrate –a visual representation of each of the terms
Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

5 Write in the name of the city and/or county of where YOU live
Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

6 Share… You are going to share your responses with your partner.
The person with the birthday closest to today goes first SHARE – Your visual representations of federal, state, and local government as well as the names of the locations you live in? Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship M

7 Federalism The national government is also referred to as the federal government. In a federal system, the power of the government is distributed to different levels of government: national (federal), state, and local. Federalism is a core principle of our government. Federalism is found throughout the U.S. Constitution. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

8 Federalism The national government is also referred to as the federal government. In a federal system, the power of the government is distributed to different levels of government: national (federal), state, and local. Federalism is found throughout the U.S. Constitution. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

9 Federalism Text Code: M for Main Idea D for Details M D D D M M
Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

10 Dare to Compare… You are going to share your responses with your partner The person with a birthday farthest from today goes first SHARE – Compare your main ideas “M” to see if you agree or disagree. Then discuss. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship M

11 Federalism The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Read along while I read aloud – The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. A helpful way to remember that reserved powers are for state governments is to note that the word “reserved” has the letter “s” in it and the word “state” begins with the letter “s”. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

12 Federalism The Tenth Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights to further define the balance of power between the federal government and the states. The amendment says that the federal government has only those powers specifically granted by the U.S. Constitution. Some of the powers of the federal government are the power to declare war, collect taxes, and regulate interstate business activities. According to the amendment, any power not listed is left to the states or the people. Although the amendment does not specify what the state powers are, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that laws affecting marriage, divorce, adoption, commerce that occurs within a state’s borders, and local law enforcement are among the powers specifically reserved to the states or the people. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

13 Federalism Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

14 Federalism Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

15 Federalism Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

16 Federalism Write one SPECIFIC example of each power in action
Examples: Delegated Powers – 1. Selective Service Reserved Powers – 4. Hair Barbers Licenses Concurrent Power – 2. Okaloosa County Court Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

17 Federalism Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

18 Federalism Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

19 Share… You are going to share your responses with your partner.
The person with the shortest hair to today goes first SHARE – Share your definition of federalism. Which words used were the same. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship M

20 Read the passage and brainstorm your answer to the question.
Federalism Read the passage and brainstorm your answer to the question. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

21 Think about … Write about …
You are going to work with your partner to read and write a well-written response to a question. The person that has longest hair will be the first reader SHARE – Collaborate but record independent answers. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship M

22 With your partner read and answer the question.
Federalism With your partner read and answer the question. Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

23 Scenarios This is a contemporary issue related to the Tenth Amendment.
Determine if a federal/delegated, state/reserved, or concurrent power is being expressed Each state has its own rules and regulations for obtaining a teaching certificate. If a teacher living in Florida would like to move and teach in Texas, he or she would need to pass one or more exams in order to be certified to teach in Texas. What is this an example of? reserved power Why do you think teaching certification requirements are a state decision? Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

24 Scenarios This is a contemporary issue related to the Tenth Amendment.
Determine if a federal/delegated, state/reserved, or concurrent power is being expressed After Superstorm Sandy in October 2012, President Obama worked with Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey and pledged federal support to help repair the massive storm damage throughout the state. What is this an example of? concurrent power Why is this an example of a concurrent power? Why is assisting with storm repair in New Jersey of interest to the federal government? Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

25 Scenarios This is a contemporary issue related to the Tenth Amendment.
Determine if a federal/delegated, state/reserved, or concurrent power is being expressed The state of Montana borders Canada. If a conflict occurs between Montana and Canada, can Montana declare war on Canada? no Why not? Declaring war is an enumerated or delegated power. What is the benefit of the federal government having the sole power to declare war rather than it being a concurrent or reserved power? Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

26 Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

27 Facilitate Student Success through Planning and Preparation
Lou Frey Institute/Florida Joint Center for Citizenship

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