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Analyzing Qualitative Data

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing Qualitative Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyzing Qualitative Data
Based on the book Educational Research by Johnson and Christensen (2013).

2 Basic Definitions Interim Analysis Memoing Coding Enumeration

3 Interim Analysis Cyclical process of collecting and analyzing data
Often need for more data felt when available data analyzed The cycle continues until no significant insights gained

4 Memoing Reflectives notes about what you are learning from your data analysis Diary or post-it-notes Very useful as memory lapse is certain to happen over the course of time

5 Coding Qualitative Data
Read transcribed data and divide into meaningful analytic units This unit can be a sentence, a paragraph etc. These units are marked with symbols, signs, descriptive words, or category names

6 Saturateapp is one example
of free/cheap online resources that helps you organize this process


8 Hierarchical Categorization

9 Typologies (Categorization on two axis)

10 Enumeration Process of quantifying data
Example: how many times the word ”inflation” occured in the speech of the prime minister How a certain word or phrase (inflation) likely to co-occur with certain other word (unemployment)

11 Reliability of qualitative data analysis
Training for coding Intracoder (same coder, coding same text at different times) Inercoder Reported as % agreements Differences resolved by discussion

12 Validity of qualitative data analysis
Verbatim are low inference descriptors Traingulation Sources: Corss check information with other sources, Methods: interview versus observation Data: from other studies Theory: multiple theories for interpretation Participant feedback – ask: ”does this sound right”? Peer review Negative case sampling Show what you did for increasing your own self awareness, reflexivity e

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