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Wilhelm Richard Wagner

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1 Wilhelm Richard Wagner

2 Life He was born In Leipzig, Germany
He attended school in Dresden, Germany He did not show an aptitude to music He was very determined and wrote his first drama at 11 and started composing at 16

3 Composing Wrote drama and Opera ,Theatre director
Had complex textures, rich harmonies, and orchestration He used extreme chromaticism and and greatly influenced the development of classical music

4 Best Composition's Tristan and Isolde Der Ring des Nibelungen
Lohengrin The flying Dutchman Tannhäuser

5 Contributions He Pushed harmony,form and drama to new levels
Some of his works are used today in movies such as the lord of the rings and harry potter He was said to be one of the most influential composer who ever lived

6 Fun facts More of a play writer then a composer
His work contained murder and craziness and insanity He was a revolutionary socialist Writings had a great influence on hitler Developed a concept called ‘total art work’ containing dance, poetry, stage craft of the theatre, lighting and music

7 The End By Nathan Ross

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