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Preliminary Power Point Slides

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1 Preliminary Power Point Slides
Project Initiation Preliminary Power Point Slides July 2010

2 Objectives Initiate Application Profile (AP) to capture the following:
Direct Capture Objective (DCO) Develop Use Case covering the basic, alternative and exception scenarios Creation of Flows Creation of Work Type Sizing Product Scope Identify Assumptions, Risks, Interface, and Integration points Develop Product Backlog Generate the AP Documentations for next step

3 Plan/Prepare Setup a sessions to update the Application Profile
The implementation/technical team should participate in this workshop, their inputs will helpful to elaborate on Assumptions, Risks and Integration points based on the current architecture.

4 Initiate AP Document When new work type is defined
A new flow is to be created When implementing stories which are more than 50 story points When story will be used by more than one department or are jointly bid in an auction For example, There are more than one stakeholder

5 Application Profile Application Profile to capture Create User Stories

6 Application Profile DCO
High level User stories/Use Cases developed and captured using PRPC DCO capabilities User Stories should be in the form “As a <<Role>>, I want to be able to <<Capability>>, so I can << Value added>>” Acceptance/Rejection Criteria are also required For Example:

7 Develop Product Backlog
By assigning a Release number to the Product Backlogs the Product Owner organizes them into different releases.

8 Backlog Release Organize
By assigning a Release number to the Product Backlog the Product Owner creates a Product Backlog that can be organized into different releases. Release Aligned Product Backlog Release 1 Product Backlog Release 2 Release 3

9 Prioritized Product Backlog
Product owner determines the Release number for each of the Product Backlog items Product owner uses the Business Value to help in the assignment of the Release number to facilitating releasing the most business value sooner. The number of items in the release will help to determine the number of sprints necessary.

10 Product Backlog Business Value
Product Owner assigns a Business Value ranking for Backlog items using Cohn Scale (0,1,2,3,5,8,13,20,40,100)

11 Deliverables Complete all steps on the Application Profile
List the Use Cases covering the basic, alternative and exception scenarios List Work Types List Reports List Correspondence List Interfaces - application dependency on data from external systems/SOR Review Sizing Tool generated from Application Profile Review Application Profile with all parities involved

12 Deliverables Start editing timelines/effort in the Sizing Document generated from the Application Profile. Completed Application Profile – ready for the Proposal Clinic

13 Next step would be Proposal Clinic
For more information see Step-3 Proposal Clinic

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