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Jacksonian Era The changing character of American Political life – increasing participation in the “age of the common man”. VUS.6d.

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1 Jacksonian Era The changing character of American Political life – increasing participation in the “age of the common man”. VUS.6d

2 Characteristics of the “Age of the Common Man”
Heightened emphasis on equality in the political process for adult white males The rise of interest group politics and sectional bias A changing style of campaigning to appeal to the “common man” Increased voter participation at the state and national level

3 The corrupt bargain- Election of 1824:
Jackson won the popular vote among 4 candidates. There was no winner of a majority of electoral college votes. Clay withdrew allowing J.Q. Adams to be chosen by the House of Representatives. Clay became Secretary of State! John Quincy Adams

4 Jackson’s inauguration!
Election of 1828: Reflected greater suffrage and political activism. Delegates worked through nominating conventions. Americans were equal at the ballot box. Jackson won! Jackson’s inauguration!

5 A New Democratic Spirit:
Election of Andrew Jackson came at a time when the vast majority of American men participated in the electoral process. Suffrage was being extended. This replaced the previous aristocratic government of the United States, as the distinction between aristocrats and the common man were disappearing. This depiction shows how Jackson opened the White House to the public as he took office.

6 Jackson’s Spoils System:
Jackson hired political supporters to fill government jobs. “To the victor goes the spoils.” Increased involvement in government by ordinary people- but did lead to more levels of corruption.

7 How does the political cartoon compare to the famous New Orleans statue?

8 Indian Removal: Jackson wished to force Indians to reservations FARTHER west across Mississippi. A Georgia eviction law was overturned by the Marshall Court. Jackson refused to enforce the decision, which led to “Trail of Tears” which forced tribes (Cherokee) out of Georgia. Many died! Jackson’s refusal to enforce a court ruling could have drawn impeachment, but he actually became MORE popular!


10 Jackson founded the Democratic Party which believed:
Extending political powers (suffrage). Opposition to the National Bank. Opposition to the American System (Henry Clay). Support Indian Removal and expansion. Undecided on the issue of tariffs.

11 Federalists disappeared, but new parties opposed the Democrats!
Whigs: strongly opposed Jackson as a “tyrant”, taking too much power by opposing the bank, the American System and his actions against the Indians. Notable members were Henry Clay and Daniel Webster! Know-Nothings: formed in the 1850’s, strongly opposed to immigrants

12 Jackson Veto’s the “B.U.S.”
Jackson viewed the bank as corrupt in favor of special interests He vetoed the bill for the Second Bank of the United States Jackson put U.S. money into “pet banks” in states This becomes the central issue in the election of 1832 (against Clay) Jackson’s re-election kills the bank His actions caused an economic depression resulting in the Panic of 1837

13 Legacy of Jackson: Extension of democratic participation- Suffrage and the Spoils System Strengthening of presidential power using public opinion Use of the VETO forces Congress to consider President’s views when passing laws Removal of Indians to reservations Economic crisis caused by Jackson’s banking policies

14 cultural, economic, and political issues that divided the nation
Conflict – Compromise - Crisis - VUS.6e cultural, economic, and political issues that divided the nation

15 A Crisis on the Horizon:
The nation struggled to resolve sectional issues, producing a series of crises and compromises. These crises took place over the admission of new states into the Union during the decades before the Civil War. The issue was always whether the number of "free states" and "slave states" would be balanced, thus affecting power in the Congress.

16 Economic divisions The Northern states developed an industrial economy based on manufacturing. They favored high protective tariffs to protect Northern manufacturers from foreign competition.

17 Economic divisions The Southern states developed an agricultural economy consisting of a slavery-based system of plantations in the lowlands along the Atlantic and in the Deep South, and small subsistence farmers in the foothills and valleys of the Appalachian Mountains. The South strongly opposed high tariffs, which made the price of imported manufactured goods much more expensive.

18 Expansion, Slavery and State’s Rights
As the United States expanded westward, the conflict over slavery grew more bitter and threatened to tear the country apart. The admission of new states continually led to conflicts over whether the new states would allow slavery ("slave states") or prohibit slavery ("free states"). Numerous compromises were struck to maintain the balance of power.

19 The Missouri Compromise (1820)
Maine enters as a free state and Missouri as a slave state to keep the balance. Drew an east-west line through the Louisiana Purchase, with slavery prohibited above the line and allowed below, except that slavery was allowed in Missouri, north of the line.

20 Nullification Crisis:
South Carolina, led by Calhoun, opposed the “Tariff of Abominations” which would reduce cotton exports to England. Calhoun devised nullification theory – the right of states to nullify national laws. President Andrew Jackson threatened to send in troops – but also convinced Congress to pass a compromise tariff to avoid keep the union together. John C. Calhoun

21 the Compromise of 1850 California entered as a free state, while the new Southwestern territories acquired from Mexico would decide on their own (popular sovereignty) Slave trade (not slavery) banned in Washington, D.C. Strict fugitive slave laws adopted Henry Clay (presenting his compromise), Millard Fillmore (presiding), John C. Calhoun (right of Fillmore), and Daniel Webster (head in hand) in the Senate, By Peter Rothermel.

22 Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Repealed the Missouri Compromise line by giving people in Kansas and Nebraska the choice whether to allow slavery in their states ("popular sovereignty"). This law produced bloody fighting in Kansas as pro- and anti-slavery forces battled each other.  John Brown, an abolitionist, led the bloody fighting in Kansas against the pro-slavery “raiders” from Missouri. He was later captured, hung, and declared a martyr for abolitionists!

23 The Abolitionists The abolitionist movement grew in the North, led by William Lloyd Garrison, publisher of The Liberator, an antislavery newspaper, and many New England religious leaders, who saw slavery as a violation of Christian principles.

24 The Abolitionists Slave revolts in Virginia, led by Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser, fed white Southern fears about slave rebellions and led to harsh laws in the South against fugitive slaves.  Southerners who favored abolition were intimidated into silence. Here, Nat Turner organizes the only violent slave rebellion in the U.S.

25 1854- birth of the Republican Party
Abraham Lincoln joined the new Republican Party, Opposed to spread of slavery to new territory– Kansas Nebraska Act. The early Republican party was a coalition of various political groups- from Free- Soilers to radical abolitionists.

26 Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Abraham Lincoln, who had joined the new Republican Party, and Stephen Douglas, a Northern Democrat, conducted numerous debates when running for the U.S. Senate in Illinois in 1858. Lincoln opposed the spread of slavery into new states; Douglas stood for "popular sovereignty." Lincoln lost this election- but gained a national audience!

27 outraged Northerners The Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court overturned efforts to limit the spread of slavery. The court ruled that no black man was a citizen, and that slaves could be taken to free territories. The enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act, which required slaves who escaped to free states to be forcibly returned to their owners in the South. It was even illegal for whites to help slaves escape

28 The women’s suffrage movement
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony

29 At the same time the abolitionist movement grew, another reform movement took root, to give equal rights to women. Seneca Falls Declaration: demanded that women be given equality- including suffrage. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony became involved in women’s suffrage before the Civil War and continued with the movement after the war

30 Internal Improvements
What issues divided America in the first half of the nineteenth century? The National Bank Tariffs Internal Improvements Spread of Slavery

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