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Presentation on theme: "2015 OUTSTANDING YOUNG AGENTS COMMITTEE: POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT"— Presentation transcript:

The Young Agents Council of the Michigan Association of Insurance Agents

In recognition of the outstanding efforts of a state Young Agents Committee for outstanding achievement in promoting Young Agent involvement in the legislative process. The Young Agents Council of the Michigan Association of Insurance Agents

3 Our Presenters Adam Jackson Erich Ehlert
Adam and Erich speaking with Michigan Legislators at the Michigan Capitol on the MAIA Annual Lobby Day 2015

4 MAIA Political Events and Activities
MAIA Annual Convention InsurPac Fundraising IIIABA Big “I” Legislative Conference MAIA Annual State Lobby Day YAC Conference Legislative Update AgentPAC Call Day Education of Members on Issues

5 InsurPac Donations YAC always strives to raise as much money as we can each year for InsurPAC. We make the biggest push to raise money at our state convention in February as that is where we have the largest gathering of agents, which allows us to reach more potential donors. With the help of some outstanding fundraisers and marketing pieces, we exceeded our goal this year by 48%.

6 Listing Michigan as achieving their InsurPAC goals

7 IIABA Annual Big “I” Legislative Conference
Sent a record of ten young agents to the IIABA Legislative Conference. We made sure that all of our young agents were well prepared in advance for the topics that they would be discussing, so they would be knowledgeable as well as field questions.

8 Our Young Agents with Michigan U.S. Congressman Tim Walberg

9 Michigan Annual Lobby Day
Each year, on the state level we have a legislative day, which takes place at the Capitol building in Lansing. Much like the legislative conference in DC, we have an opportunity to meet with our representatives to discuss the issues that are important to us in Michigan. We sent out invitations and posted information on social media pages encouraging young agents to join us in Lansing and keep everyone up to date on legislative day.

10 Our Young Agents in the MAIA Monthly Magazine

11 YACs meeting with MI State Senator Rick Jones

12 YACs at the Michigan State Capitol

13 Will Lemanski giving the Legislative Update at the Annual YAC Conference

14 AgentPAC We also focus very heavily on our AgentPAC, as there are many state-specific issues that affect our industry. At the YAC Conference in June we had a legislative update by one of our young agents on the MAIA Legislative Council, Will Lemanski. We held a fundraising call center in August where we will get in contact with agents to donate to AgentPAC. Typically, we had done it in conjunction with our spring conference, but by separating it into a new event, we were able to get more focus and more volunteers.

15 AgentPAC Call Day YAC Erinn Swan making call to potential PAC donors

16 Educating Young Members on Issues
No-Fault auto insurance bills were at the forefront in Michigan’s Legislature. We had twelve young agents come out in full force to assist the rest representing MAIA to help get our message across to a much divided group of Representatives and Senators. We were able to clarify incorrect information and answer questions so they can make the best decision possible when the bill comes to a vote. The young agents have been keeping our followers up to date on progressions with the bill on our social media and YAC pages.

17 Thank You Past Chair: Erich Ehlert Troy Metro Agency Troy MAIA Staff Liaison: Rita LaMoreaux MAIA, Lansing Chair: Kelly Hume Duclos Insurance Agency Saginaw Vice Chair: Adam Jackson Ron Jackson Insurance Agency Kalamazoo


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