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„Carbon footprinting for biomethane in BIOSURF“

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1 „Carbon footprinting for biomethane in BIOSURF“
BIOSURF inter-association workshop Stefan Majer, DBFZ

2 The DBFZ in a nutshell History:
Founded in 2008 as a non-profit research institute Owned by the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture Our Mission Support the efficient and sustainable integration of biomass into a changing future energy system. Development of technologies, methods, tools and strategies for stakeholders from industry, society and policy. Structure: ~ 200 staff members in 4 research departments and administration

3 The DBFZ - research departments
UFZ = Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)

4 Motivation In the recent years, the demonstration of GHG mitigation effects from the production and use of biofuels has gained significance importance: EU RED (EU Directive 2009/28/EC): 10% target for energy from renewable sources in the transport sector by 2020 Sustainability requirements for biofuels FQD (Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC): Definition of a GHG reduction target in the national “mixture” of transportation fuels UK: Biofuel must meet a GHG emission target of 34.8 g CO2-eq./MJ Heat or 60% GHG savings against EU fossil fuel average

5 How to proof GHG-mitigation thresholds?
According to EU RED Annex V three options do exist: use the default values included in Annex V Biogas* from municipal organic waste 73% Biogas* from wet manure 81% Biogas* from dry manure 82% (* in the form of compressed biomethane compatible with natural gas) calculate the GHG-mitigation potential with actual values combine actual values with dissagregated default values

6 Calculation with actual values
cultivation processing transport use CO2-capture surplus electricity source: DBFZ According to EU RED Annex V

7 Tools for GHG accounting (examples)

8 Main challenges Allocation of digestate
Consideration of emission savings from the fermentation of manure source: DBFZ

9 Support provided by Biosurf
Assessment and Improvement of the knowledge base for the quantification of different GHG mitigation effects linked to biomethane production. Development of a number of recommendations for the adaptation of the RED GHG calculation methodology and Discussion of the most prominent drivers for emissions and potential GHG reduction measures source: DBFZ

10 Exemplary results I First WP 5 deliverable
Discussion of main Issues, specialities and challenges for GHG Accounting of Biomethane Allocation of the digestate, Credits (manure, etc.), Additional aspects, source: BIOSURF D5.1

11 Exemplary results II The EU RED methodology has become a standard for GHG accounting of bioenergy systems default values for biomethane are not sufficient  BIOSURF results might help to start development process Approaches for consideration of digestate as by-product included in D5.1 source: BIOSURF D5.1

12 Exemplary results III Emission savings (credits) from the fermentation of agricultural by-products and organic residues and wastes should be included. The procedure for including these savings is not specified within the EU RED. However, this factor is included in other publications from the commission. These publications highlight the methodological compatibility to the RED approach  credits should be included under the term Eec. source: BIOSURF D5.1

13 Emissions from mineral fertiliser production: N

14 Workshop Questions What are your experiences with LCAs for Biogas/Biomethane production and use? What are the most pressing issues and challenges with regards to GHG-calculations that should be addressed within the Biosurf project? methodology data ?? What kind of products would be helpful for you? What do you expect? guidelines focus on specific issues (manure, methane leakage, reference systems, etc.)?

15 Handout to support auditors during the process of sustainability certification (available at:  available in english soon

16 Thank you for your attention!

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