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1002 Bible Literature: Genesis chapter 3-5

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1 1002 Bible Literature: Genesis chapter 3-5
Course by Fred Lee 2012, 03/02

2 The Garden of Eden and creation of Eve
The rib: the “flesh of my flesh.” Naked without shame: Before the separation of Human from animals. The Creation of Eve th Century Mosaic. Monreale Cathedral, Sicily

3 The temptation of the serpent
The Temptation and Fall: Disillusion Is Knowledge an evil thing? The (necessary?) existence of evil. Michelangelo's  Temptation and Fall from the Sistine Chapel Ceiling. 

4 Cain and Abel The earliest sibling rivalry The Mark of Cain
The First Mourning (1888) by William-Adolphe Beouguereau ( )

5 Questions According to Genesis chapter 3, who do you think should be responsible for the Fall? Eve, the Serpent, or someone else? Do you think the moral of the story of Adam and Eve is that knowledge is evil, or dangerous? If not, what is it? How would you defend yourself if you were Eve in the story?

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