Microlinks® Welcome Greetings Thank you for choosing Microlinks®.

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Presentation on theme: "Microlinks® Welcome Greetings Thank you for choosing Microlinks®."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microlinks® Welcome Greetings Thank you for choosing Microlinks®.

2 “We solve with technology what others solve with people.”
Microlinks® IT Consultants “We solve with technology what others solve with people.”

3 Microlinks® ERPZ ERP is an industry acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning. Broadly speaking, ERP refers to automation and integration of a company's core business to help them focus on effectiveness & simplified success.

4 Microlinks® Technology

5 Microlinks® Key Features User Friendly Touch Enabled Barcode Enabled
Technology Key Features User Friendly Touch Enabled Barcode Enabled Smart & Intelligent Text Suggestions Alerts Easy deployment Model

6 Microlinks® ERPZ

7 Microlinks® ERPZ

8 Microlinks® Future Plans

9 Microlinks® Users

10 Microlinks® Admin Control Panel We are making exclusive Admin Control Panel to maintain below under one application. All Masters Like Buyers, Suppliers, Products User Accounts & Permissions Data Export, Import & Mining Data Backups & Restore Database Administration (DBA) Server Management (SA)

11 Microlinks® Bill of Material We are making Sampling and cost sheet Management Module by which we will input all the details of our all products like costing, raw material used , labors & other calculations

12 Microlinks® IPO We are making IPO (Internal Purchase Order) Management Module by which we will input IPOs with predefined fields in central database system to be access by production manager.

13 Microlinks® Production Costing /BOM Yarn Purchase Plan Dying Program
Production Manager Production Costing /BOM Yarn Purchase Plan Dying Program Daily Production Wages

14 Microlinks® Purchase Raw Material Yarns Packing Material Others
Purchasing Purchase Raw Material Yarns Packing Material Others

15 Microlinks® Purchasing Stock We will keep track of all purchasing warehouse and item wise and will maintain Stock Position and Inventory which will reflect to any user on-demand.

16 Microlinks® Dye house Stock We will keep track of all grayed and dyed warehouse and item wise and will maintain Stock Position and Inventory which will reflect to any user on-demand.

17 Microlinks® Production Stock We will keep track of all semi & finished goods warehouse and item wise and will maintain Stock Position and Inventory which will reflect to any user on-demand.

18 Microlinks® Quality Stock We will keep track of all quality of semi & finished goods warehouse and item wise and will maintain Stock Position and Inventory which will reflect to any user on-demand.

19 Microlinks® Management Reports Dashboard Queries Tabular Reports
MIS Management Reports Dashboard Queries Tabular Reports Data Mining Tools Data Reporting Tools Data Analytic Tools Visualization Tools

20 Microlinks® Admin Database Design Admin CPL Ongoing IT Infrastructure
Deployment Model SQL Data Mining Analytics

21 Microlinks® Our Team RE THINK

22 Microlinks® Thank You Be sure to bookmark for your future software consultancy needs and great savings...and once again, thanks for choosing us!

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