APES Unit I: Sustainability

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1 APES Unit I: Sustainability
Chapter 1-Studying the State of Our Earth

2 Objectives Define the field of environmental science and discuss its importance Identify ways in which humans have altered and continue to alter our environment Describe key environmental indicators that help us evaluate the health of our planet Define sustainability and explain how it can be measured using the ecological footprint Explain how the scientific method is used to study environmental problems Describe some of the unique challenges and limitations of environmental science.

3 I. Studying the environment
Environmental Studies: Human activities can affect environment in complex and unexpected ways Environmental science can be controversial Findings are not always as clear cut as they appear to be

4 Environmental Indicators
Ecosystem Services: Benefits we receive from the environment (ecosystem) Environmental Indicators: describes or gives insight into current state of the environment; used to track state of environment (land, water, air) Sustainability: living in such a way that resource use does not deprive future generations of that resource; finding alternatives and protecting capacity of environment to continue to supply resources; the capacity to endure Stewardship: responsible use and protection of the natural environment. Ecosystem Services: nutrient cycling, food, fresh water, aesthetic, spiritual, recreational, energy, sequester carbon Environmental Indicators: rising sea levels, loss of pollinating honeybees, increased rates of asthma Stewarship: Cleaning up a beach, giving money to the nature conservancy, working to d


6 Three principles of sustainability
Biodiversity Chemical cycling Reliance on solar energy 1) Reliance on solar energy: warms the planet, provides energy for photosynthesis, powers indirect forms of solar energy such as wind and flowing water. 2) Biodiversity: variety of organisms, natural systems in which they exist and interact, the services these organisms provide, and the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. 3) Chemical cycling: circulation of chemicals from environment-organism-environment

7 Resources Defined by how quickly we can use them up or how well nature can replenish them after we use them. Perpetual: Supply continuous; cannot be depleted on a human time scale. Solar Potentially renewable: takes several days to several hundred years to be replenished through natural processes. Soil, forests, freshwater, fish populations, fresh air. Highest rate at which they can be used is sustainable yield. Non-Renewable: Exist in a fixed quantity in earth’s crust; exhaustible. Geologic processes create these resources on a time scale of millions to billions of years. Fossil fuels, metallic mineral resources, non-metallic mineral resources.

8 II. Measuring Human Impact on the Environment
Ecological Footprint: amount of biologically productive land and water needed to provide the people in a particular country or area with an indefinite supply of renewable resources and to absorb and recycle wastes and pollution associated with resource use. I = P x A x T In most less-developed countries key factors are population and degradation of resources In more-developed countries it is over consumption




12 Figure 1.14 Connections: simplified model of how three factors—number of people, affluence, and technology—affect the environmental impact of the population in developing countries (top) and developed countries (bottom). Fig. 1-14, p. 20




16 Tragedy of the Commons: Overexploiting Shared Renewable Resources
Private property: individuals or companies own rights to land, minerals or other resources Common property: rights to certain resources are held by large groups or individuals Open-access renewable resources: owned by no one and available for use by anyone at little or no charge. Garrett Hardin 1968 outlined the misuse of open-access resources Solutions: 1) use resource at a rate well below sustainable yield or 2) convert to private ownership

17 Living in an Exponential Age

18 Linear Vs. Exponential Growth
Linear-Quantity increases by a constant amount per unit of time. Ex. 1,2,3,4,5 Exponential-Quantity increases by a fixed percent of whole in a given time-increase is proportional to what is already there.

19 Doubling time and the Rule of 70.
To find doubling time of a quantity growing at a given annual percentage rate, divide percentage into 70. Examples: $100 invested at a rate of 5% = doubling time 70/ 5% = 20 year double time Population of 1 million growing at a rate of 3% = ___ DT 70/ 3% = 23.3 To get annual growth rate, divide 70 by doubling time Oil consumption doubles every 50 years = rate of growth 70/50-1.4% 7% = 10 year double time 1 3% = 23.3 10/50-1.4%

20 Percent Change Percent Change-increase or decrease-can be calculated using the following formula: Change in Quantity X 100% Original Quantity Example: You consumed 800 gallons of gas in 2014 and 1200 gallons in What is the percent increase in your gasoline consumption? If gasoline is $3.00/gallon how much more did you spend on gas? Example: A deer population goes from what is the percent change? = 400/800=.5 X 100=50% 400gal($3/gal) = $1200 =2000/1000=2X 100=200%

21 Scientific Notation and Dimensional Analysis
The study of Environmental Science involves analysis of data, and making conclusions about environmental impact based on calculations with that data. You will NOT be allowed to use calculators on unit problems, tests, or the national exam and should practice using scientific notation and utilizing dimensional analysis to convert units. Example: Your car gets 20 mpg and you drive 40,000 miles. How many gallons of gas have you burned? 4 x 104 miles gallon = x = 2 x 103 gallons x 101 miles x 101 OR gallons 4 X 104 miles (1 gal/ miles) = 4 X 104/2 X 101=2X103=2000 gallons

22 III. The Scientific Method
Experimental Design: Experimental Group, Control Group, Variables, Sample Size, Repeated Trials Null Hypothesis: a statement or idea that can be falsified, or proven wrong Inductive Reasoning: making general statements from specific facts or examples. Deductive Reasoning: applying a general statement to specific facts or situations

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