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Review Questions World History 11/27/12.

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1 Review Questions World History 11/27/12

2 #1 One of the main causes of World War I was nations pledging to defend each other. This describes: A. militarism B. imperialism C. alliances D. nationalism

3 #1 C Alliances

4 #2 One alliance consisted of Germany and Austria-Hungary. This alliance is best described as: A. allies B. axis powers C. central powers D. axis of evil

5 #2 C Central Powers

6 #3 The event that sparked World War I was:
A. unrestricted submarine warfare B. Zimmerman Note C. Germany attacking Belgium D. the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

7 #3 D Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

8 #4 Several factors resulted in the U.S. entering World War I. Some of these factors included: A. Japanese attack on an American naval base B. sinking of the Lusitania C. development of trench warfare D. A and C

9 #4 B Sinking of the Lusitania

10 #5 Increasing use of machinery, machine guns, tanks, and poison gas are a result of: A. use of technology B. the dangers of trench warfare C. total war D. global warfare

11 #5 A The use of technology

12 #6 Rationing supplies, drafting soldiers, and using propaganda are examples of: A. global warfare B. total war C. reparations D. armistice

13 #6 B Total war

14 #7

15 #7 The items in the previous slide are examples of: A. reparations
B. global warfare C. use of technology in war D. propaganda

16 #7 D propaganda

17 #8 Stalin established a command economy. A command economy can best be described as one in which: A. individuals own businesses B. government allows individuals to run businesses under strict guidelines C. A and B D. government officials make all basic economic decisions

18 #8 D Government officials make all economic decisions

19 #9 Under Stalin, the Soviet government regulated every aspect of the lives of its citizens. This could best be described as: A. fascism B. socialism C. totalitarianism D. democracy

20 #9 C Totalitarianism

21 #10 Some of the methods used by Stalin included: A. propaganda
B. a strict movement to end censorship C. encouragement of religion D. B and C

22 #10 A Propaganda

23 #11 Which of the following best describes religion during Stalin’s rule? A. Communist ideals replaced religious ideals B. Government war on religion C. Takeover of houses of worship D. all of the above

24 #11 D All of the above

25 #11 The Great Purge was used by Stalin to:
A. make the Soviet Union an industrial power B. silence opponents C. provide a workforce for collectives D. B and C

26 #11 B Silence opponents

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