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Pain and Fever 7/11/05.

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Presentation on theme: "Pain and Fever 7/11/05."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pain and Fever 7/11/05

2 Golden Rule Whatever is painful for adults is painful for children until proven otherwise.

3 Assessing pain Behavioral changes Physiologic changes
Box 21-2 on pg.643 Facial expression (eyes brows, mouth Cry Pushing away, thrashing Physiologic changes Acute pain Pulse, BP, sweating

4 Faces Scale

5 Neonatal Pain Scale NIPS Pain Assessment Tools
Used for infants < 1 year of age. Score greater than 3 means pain. NIPS

6 Emla cream Topical anesthetic (lidocaine & prilocaine) Application
60 minutes before the procedure (deeper pain extend to 3hours) Onset, depth, duration depends on the duration of the application applied to skin under an occlusive dressing Use liberal amounts

7 Emla Cream Penetrates skin down to fat
Used with caution from 1 to 12 months of age

8 Other local pain meds. LMX4 – 15 minutes prior Numby stuff

9 Fever

10 Fever Management Fever Hyperthermia Body’s set-point higher
Temp > 100 F Response to infection Hyperthermia Body exceeds its own set-point Outside environment to high Body can not adjust

11 Pharmacologic Interventions - Fever
To change the set-point NO ASA – Reyes Syndrome Use Tylenol or ibuprofen Retake temp. in 30 min.

12 Environmental to Reduce Fever
One hour post antipyretic Air circulation Cool moist compresses to forehead Reduce clothing Reduce room temp.

13 Interventions - Hyperthermia
Cool tepid bath Cool moist sponging Cooling blanket ? Prevent shivering Stop intervention if shivering.

14 Febrile Seizures Usually 3 mo. to 5 years of age Can be recurring
May treat with anticonvulsant medication if recurring. Tonic– Clonic seizures

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